The Assingment

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"Please tell me I'm being pranked. This has to be a joke," I huffed waving my next assignment in front of my friends.  "Mrs. Ball is seriously a flop of a teacher. Who the hell assigns writing to a pen pal for the next 16 weeks as a heavy weighted assignment. This is freshman stuff not senior stuff."

"Quinn, I wouldn't be complaining," My friend Paisley laughed. "Easy A for you. I wish I had an assignment that easy. Lord knows I need it."

She's right," Riley raised her brow looking confused. "Definitely an easy A and who knows maybe your pen pal is someone cool. Who and where is she from?"

I pulled out the paper with my pen pal's information and read out loud to my friends. "Luke Hemmings  685 North Ballard street Sydney, Australia. It's not even a girl. Pretty sure I was supposed to get a girl."

My friends smirked and I knew what their evil dirty minds were thinking. "Don't even go there."

"Oh Quinn," Paisley shook her head laughing. "Can you just have fun and stop being so whiny? Have fun with this. It's not every day you get a pen pal from Australia."

Author Note:It will go between letter mode and story mode :) Next part soon :)

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