Maxon's Feelings

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Maxon's POV

I was still sitting on our bench thinking about how I totally screwed up my plan to tell America I still had feelings for her. I just didn't know how.
I had the perfect opportunity earlier today but of course I had to mess that up.
But even if I did tell her, and she shared my feelings. we could never be together. I was married to Kriss. What would everyone think if I left her.
I see a figure walking over to me.
"Your Majesty." She says with a bow.
"Sit down Marlee." I say.
"What's troubling you Maxon?" She asks.
After America left I was confused and heartbroken. My father died and my darling America had left.
But Marlee helped me and became one of my closest friends.
"... America." I say.
Marlee seems to understand.
"Did she tell you Maxon?"
"Tell me what?"
"Eadlyn and Ahren."
"Oh the twins? Yah, she told me, but that's not why I'm confused."
"Why are you?" Marlee ask.
"I think... I think I still have feelings for America."
Once I said it I regretted it. What if she told someone? What if Kriss found out. It this was Marlee. She was good at keeping secrets.
I knew I could trust her.
Marlee's face is shocked but then replaced by a smile.
"Finally!" She says.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Finally you realized you made a mistake. You and America are meant for each other." You can hear the excitement in her voice, and I laugh.
"Does America know?"
"No. I tried to tell her today but I chickened out and lost me chance."
Marlee's expression turns from excitement to disappointment.
"Are you going to tell her."
"I want to, but I don't know how. And if I do... what about Kriss. I can't just leave her. We are married and I was happy-ish."
"Happy-ish?" Marlee and I both started laughing.
"I don't know. I thought I was happy being with Kriss. But now that America is here, I see all that I could of had. When I'm with America... I don't know how to explain it... this going to sound cheese but when I'm with her... I feel like we are the only people in the room. And I can forget everything when I'm with her. And no matter how hard I try she is constantly on my mind."
"Maxon." Marlee says placing a hand on my knee. "You need to tell America."
"I know I just don't know how."
"Tell her like you told me."
"It's different telling you. I broke her heart and now Im telling her that I still have feelings for her."
"Well if you need anything I will be glad to help you. You and America are some of my favorite people."
"Thank you Marlee."
"No problem. You and America will be perfect together, and you will be such a great dad to the twins!" I chuckle at her enthusiasm.
"Thank you Marlee. How do you even know about Eadlyn and Ahren."
"It's so obvious. Ahren is like a mini Maxon." I start to laugh and so does she. "And Eadlyn... well I don't know which one of you she looks like... I think she looks a lot like your mother but what do I know."
"So... what do I do? How do I tell America."
"Ask her to go to dinner with you and then just tell her."
"It's not that easy."
"Sure it is. How did you tell her you loved her during the selection."
I think back to the night I first told America I loved her, and I smile. Then I remember what we were doing. I couldn't tell Marlee about that.
"It just happened."
"You need to tell her."
"And what about Kriss."
"Dump her!"
I glare at Marlee.
"I'm joking of course." Marlee says. "Okay so here's the plan." Marlee says. " invite America to a 'non romantic' dinner and then towards the end of the dinner bring up your feelings for her."
"It's worth a shot I guess. But what about the twins. I don't think Eadlyn and Ahren should be there."
"I'll watch them. They can have a play date with Kile." Kile was Marlee and Carters son. He was about the same age as Eadlyn and Ahren.
"You don't have to do that Marlee."
"I want to. You and America have done so much for us. I want to help you."
"Thank you Marlee."
"No problem Maxon. Now go get her!"
I laugh and go over to America's room.

3 hours later
I go over to America's room. Kriss was still not talking to me. So she would not miss me at dinner.
I knocked on America's door. It brought back so many memories from the Selection.
America opened the door and her hair was down and she had curled it and was wearing and deep blue dress. She took my breath away. She always has a way of doing that.
"Hey" I say
"Hey." She says bashfully.
I didn't tell America what our 'meeting' was really about. I told her I wanted talk about the twins.
She intertwined her arm with mine and we walked into the dinning room. I had planned the meal. I needed this to be perfect. I had the chefs prepare steak with baked potatoes and salad on the side. And for desert I had them make America's favorite,strawberry tarts.
We eat our dinner and make small talk.
"I'm stuffed." America says once we are done with our food.
"Well you did always love the food here."
We both laugh thinking about the memories.
"Well I need to go. The twins need to get to sleep." I realized I was losing my chance agin. I need to stop her from leaving.
"I'm sure Marlee is taking good care of them."
"I don't know, I think I should go."
"Wait!"I can't let her leave I needed an excuse.
"Do you want another strawberry tart."
"No, Im to full already."
"What about Eadlyn and Ahren? We can have the chefs make some more and give them to the twins."
"I guess."
Phew that was close. I called over a maid and told her to tell the chefs to make 2 more strawberry tarts.
"So are you enjoying your stay at the palace."
"Yes but I think we are going to leave soon."
I was shocked. She was going to leave. I had to convince her to stay. I had to tell her I still had feelings for her. But how?!
"We don't belong here. We are just getting in the way of you and Kriss."
"But what about me being a father to the twins? It will be near impossible if they aren't here."
"Maybe before I leave we can tell the twins and they can stay with you for a few days."
The chefs came in with the strawberry tarts and I new I was loosing my chance.
"Please don't go America I love you!"
Oh gosh!

America's POV
When he said those words my heart clenched.
He still loved me.
"Maxon... I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to, just please don't leave."
He wanted me to stay but I couldn't. I had only been here two days and he is telling me he loves me. What would happen if I stayed longer.
I had a feeling he wanted me to say I loved him back but I couldn't. I did love him but if I said it I thought things would only get worse.
"I need to go." I said.
"America wait! Please please don't go!"
I ran out of the dinning room and back to my room. I could here Maxon running after me and that only made me run faster. I went to my room and slammed the door and locked it.
I was glad the twins weren't here. I broke down and started crying.
I couldn't stay here. I wanted to, but I couldn't. He was married he can't just leave Kriss for me. I started to pack our stuff.
Tomorrow I was leaving.

Maxon's POV
Oh gosh what did I do.
America ran out of the room and I tried running after her but she only ran faster I didn't want to force her to talk to me so I stopped running and walked to my room.
When I walked in Kriss was standing there crying.
"Kriss.. what's wrong."
I thought she would say something about America or Eadlyn and Ahren.
"Maxon... I'm pregnant."

Authors Note
Dun Dun Dun ... things are getting juicy!
I hope you guys enjoyed the story. I put a lot of work into them. Please comment if you have any suggestions.
QOTD:  Who would you want to play Maxon and America if there was a Selection movie? (Also do you think Kriss is really pregnant?)
AOTD: Audrey Hollister ( I think I spelt that right) as America but I don't know who should play Maxon. At first I thought Max Irons but then I realized he doesn't really look like Maxon.

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