Chapter 5: The Benefactor

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"Wait, is he crying?" Stiles asked.

Scott felt his insides shrivel as Liam started to let some whimpers out. It made him look even younger than ever. "Look, Liam, you're going to be alright," he said quickly and nervously.

But Liam kept crying. "You're not going to die." Scott assured Liam. Stiles shrugged. "Probably not." "Stop it." Scott hissed at Stiles. "Okay, possibly not." "Would you just help me untie him?" 

Stiles huffed before bending down to help Scott untie Liam. They finally got Liam untied and stood up. "Are you okay?" Scott asked Liam who had turned away from the two. "We're sorry about that. We're really sorry." Stiles said.

Liam gripped the edges of the chair before grabbing it and whacked Scott who was caught off guard. Scott fell down against his dresser.

"Liam, what the hell is your-" Liam didn't let Stiles finish as he punched him in the face. Stiles grunted and fell down to the floor.

Liam quickly bolted from the room into the hallway but he suddenly stopped. He looked down at his leg to realize that he was running almost normally. His hurt leg didn't feel broken anymore and felt like it was fighting off a slight cramp. But he turned around when he saw that Scott and Stiles were tumbling out into the hallway. Scott was breathing a little hard and Stiles was holding his head slightly but both were looking at him with annoyed glint in their eyes.

"Get him!" Stiles roared out.

The two of them charged for Liam and he screamed as they practically tackled him

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The two of them charged for Liam and he screamed as they practically tackled him. The force of it sent the three of them tumbling down and begin to fall down the stairs. They fell and tumbled all the way down the stairs until they ended up back on the ground floor. 

The three of them were all in a heap on the floor and were groaning from the pain of falling one full flight of stairs. Liam was on top of them and he quickly recovered and moved to try and get away. His movements stirred the others and they moved to try and keep him from escaping. Limbs began to flail around and Stiles ended up grabbing a leg trying to kick its way out of his grip.

"Leg! I got him! I got him! I got him, I got him!"

But he noticed that it stopped moving and he looked to see that it was Scott's leg. He was glaring at him as Stiles' own foot was pressed up against his cheek. Scott pushed his foot off and Stiles quickly let his go and they looked around and saw that Scott's front door was wide open. Liam was gone.

"Your plan sucked too," Scott muttered out.

The sound of a cough made the two look at the door again to see Luna standing there with her hands on her hips. Scott noticed that Luna had a twig stuck in her hair.

"I'm assuming both of your plans didn't work since Liam is long gone by now." "What happened to you?" Stiles noticed a faint scratch on her cheek, fading away since her body was healing it now. "What do you mean?"

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