Chapter Thirteen - Trapped Part l

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The concert ended and Kyungsoo had a huge smile on his face, being overall really pleased with the concert. He looked at the clock and it was already really late, he wondered if he should say goodbye and thank them again for the ticket and then go straight home.

He was wandering aimlessly backstage until he bumped into Ken, Ravi, Hongbin, Hyuk and Leo. He looked for N but he apparently wasn’t there. Ravi smiled brightly at Kyungsoo “D.O did you like our concert then?” Kyungsoo smiled and answered “Of course! You guys were amazing as usual, but where’s N?” The VIXX members exchanged glances before Hongbin decided to speak “Actually we don’t know either, he probably went somewhere to cool off, and you should-” Before they could ask Kyungsoo to go see him, Kyungsoo interrupted him “I wanted to see him before I left, I wanted to thank him again, do you know where he is?” Hongbin looked at Hyuk, giving him a slight nudge. Hyuk stepped forward a little and laughed nervously saying “Ah foot slipped…but D.O I think I might have known where N went, he always goes there after concerts, come with me.” Kyungsoo nodded to him and walked past the other members of the band, following on after Hyuk’s lead. Hongbin looked at the other three members and commented “That was easier than I thought it would have been. Should we go with then?” Ravi nodded to him and they slowly followed on behind Kyungsoo and Hyuk.

Hyuk led Kyungsoo to VIXX’s own personal dorm room, which was temporarily whilst they toured at this arena. As Hyuk entered Kyungsoo crept inside after him, the first thing they saw was the dorm lounge which was quite similar to EXO’s though this one looked a little more suave. Laid out on the sofa still in his outfit was N, he was sweating slightly on his forehead, and his hair had waved a little due to the heat of the stage lights. His eyes were closed; he looked like he could fall asleep at any moment. Hyuk called over to N “Hyung?” N replied with a muffled response “Mhm, Hyuk what?” Hyuk dragged Kyungsoo into the room by his wrist and said “D.O is here, he came to see you.” N jumped up off the sofa as soonas he heard D.O’s name mentioned. He smiled over at Kyungsoo and said “I hope you liked the concert.” Kyungsoo nodded immediately and replied to him “Yeah it was amazing! I sang along to every song nearly, though not as good obviously, haha.” N grinned at him “Probably better with that talented voice of yours.” Kyungsoo laughed a little and said “I came to say thank you again, but I have to go it’s getting late.”

The rest of the band members walked into the room and blocked the door where Kyungsoo was about to leave out of. N called over to Kyungsoo “D.O, you have a backstage pass and you have the time, so hang out with us for a little, we’ve hardly seen you today.” Kyungsoo turned a little awkwardly and said to him “I guess a little while won’t hurt.” N pulled on his waist, pulling him over to the sofa area; he made him sit down next to him. The other members were prancing around making themselves look busy. N looked into Kyungsoo’s eyes with a blank face, to which Kyungsoo’s eyes got bigger and his lips pouted a little self-consciously. N finally spoke “Is your leg feeling better?” Kyungsoo looked down to his leg where the cast had been taken off, he looked back up to N and smiled “A little, it still hurts when I move it and I can’t run, but it’s not as bad as before.” N charmingly smiled at him “That’s a relief and your head?” Kyungsoo placed his hand on his forehead where his bandana was, he slowly took off his bandana. He laughed a little “I wore my bandana over my bandage but I still have to wear it for another week before I can take it off.”

N playfully snatched the bandana out of Kyungsoo’s hands and started placing it round his own head. Kyungsoo reached his hands out towards his head and said “Hey hey, give it back look how silly I look without it!” N laughed at him as he took it off his head and held it up in his hand out of Kyungsoo’s reach. Kyungsoo painfully tried to reach for it, failing miserably he cried out to N “You’re doing this because I’m short aren’t you!” N grinned at him. The rest of the band members laughed at how he was being teased. Kyungsoo stopped his struggle and began to reach into his pocket, he took out his phone and muttered “Ah I should ring Kai and tell him where I am…” N gave the other members a discreet signal before he snatched the phone off Kyungsoo. “Oi” Kyungsoo exclaimed to him, he added “Give it to me!” N started throwing the phone about and the other members took turns throwing it to each other. Kyungsoo started running around in circles trying to get it back from him. Ravi grabbed the back of Kyungsoo giving him a hug from behind He muttered to Kyungsoo as he towered over him “You’re so cute D.O.” The phone ended up with Ken who left the room with it. The other members started crowding around D.O and were teasing him; Ravi was tickling him from behind, Hyuk was pulling one of his cheeks, Hongbin was pulling an arm and lastly N was ruffling up the top of his hair with his hand, as usual. Kyungsoo bent a little bringing his arms to his front to try blocking them from touching him. He called up to them “Ah, that tickles~ Stop please, ah~”

Without realising D.O was being moved across the room by the members and was eventually pushed into a room with N, with the door shut behind them. Kyungsoo fell down onto the floor, landing on his bad leg. He sent both of his hands to his leg, holding it expressing pain in his facial expression. N glanced down to D.O on the floor and asked him “Do you want me to get something to help that leg?” Kyungsoo looked up at him, his tone was different to normal it was almost bitter. Kyungsoo nodded “Yeah, please.” N started walking over to Kyungsoo where he bent down to his height. He grabbed his chin with his hand and turned his face towards him “Then quit EXO.” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened as he looked at N, he muttered “What?” N sighed “You heard me, quit EXO and I’ll help your leg…so will you?” Kyungsoo was confused he answered “I will never quit EXO, why are you asking me to?” N sighed heavier “I’m not going to explain to you why, just tell me if you’re persistent in not quitting?” Kyungsoo murmured to him in a quiet voice “I can’t ever leave EXO.”

N dragged him up by his shirt; pain surged through Kyungsoo’s leg, making him cry out in agony. N held him up momentarily as he said to him “Then you leave me no choice, I’ll have to force you to quit.” N threw him back slightly, making him tumble backwards onto the bed behind him. Kyungsoo looked at N’s face, he was petrified before when it was Kai it was different, and this guy looked more serious about the forcing part. N slid off the tie he was wearing, letting it fall down to the floor of the room. Kyungsoo tried to get up off the bed, but instantly stopped as he struggled to cope with the pain he was feeling in his leg. He whimpered holding onto his leg, not knowing what to concentrate on, his leg or N. Kyungsoo began sliding himself down the side of the bed onto the floor where he attempted crawling away. N picked him up off the floor easily and chucked him back down onto the bed. Kyungsoo kept crying out in pain, his leg kept getting worse and worse every time he moved it.

 N got on top of Kyungsoo who aggressively began using his strength in his arms to hit him away from him. N ignored these hits and lifted up his shirt. Kyungsoo screamed at him “STOP! What is wrong with you, I’m a guy!” N laughed at him “Did that stop Kai?” Kyungsoo’s eyes shot wide open at his comment. N looked at Kyungsoo’s bare stomach and whispered to him “I’ve always thought about doing these kinds of things to you since I first saw you but EXO have pretty much been a body guard to you.” N placed his ice cold hand against Kyungsoo’s stomach which made him cry out at him “Don’t touch me! STOP!” N looked down at the aggressive Kyungsoo and sternly said to him “Resisting will only make it worse for you, especially with that leg of yours.” Kyungsoo cried out in pain as N started applying pressure on his leg with his fist, tears started forming in Kyungsoo’s eyes.

N laughed a little sardonically at Kyungsoo as he said “No-one is coming to save you D.O, so just accept this is happening or quit EXO.”

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