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Hi wolfies I would like to say I'm taking a break on couple stories Frehiet I would like to finish, Mistaken Message I need to start plotting the chapters, I already have Secrets of the Dead plotted out. So with the stories I am ready to release  once I finish some stories.

Too be honest I'll be spending more time outside. I need to get outside and play and do lots of stuff I need to make plans with my life. I hope you all understand that. Plus I want this. I'm tired I'm brother calling me (fat), I'm tired of my aunt saying saying that we don't do shit. Well guess what I think of that aunt, You can say whatever you want, I'll make sure I come with a comeback that will make you wish you didn't say anything.

We get the food, We drive people places, but What do you do? You have a have family to take care of While we have to care of Grandma,Grandpa, and David. I need a break I'll update the other stories When I can work on them for now. I'll be on break good luck with school.

Lauren out ~

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