Escapade or Escape?

Depuis le début

If you still are stuck on details people well it was a very awkward car ride. We didn't talk at all and they didn't play any music so that was extremely boring. We arrived at my house and I walked in to pack my things while they waited out in the car. As I walked towards my bedroom I realized that the house seemed emptier. Almost eerily quiet. I took everything in as I realized this would be the last time I would be here. Now that I had to go live with the narcissistic and arrogant man that was my alleged father. I arrived in my room and began packing everything that I could fit in a duffel bag and backpack. I moved the curtain on my window slightly and saw that the cop was still in the passenger seat. I couldn't see the driver seat from this angle but I would take my chances. I grabbed my stuff and raced down the stairs. I ripped open the back door and took off in a mad dash for the woods behind my house. Well that was the plan before I was suddenly side tackled to the ground by a large blue mass. I got a mouthful of dirt, which contrary to popular belief is not delicious or nutritious. I tried to struggle away from whoever was on top of me by kicking and hitting, and yes even biting. However the man somehow managed to grab both my wrists and handcuff them behind my back. He held my wrists fast against my back and had a knee in my spinal column, making it very uncomfortable to move. I stopped thrashing and the pressure was slowly released from my back. His hand remained locked around my one arm as he yanked me to my feet. I made quite the show of spitting out the dirt in my mouth right towards his shoe. Too bad he had quick reflexes and was able to move his foot in time. He snatched my duffle from the ground and shoved me towards the front of the house and cop car. I didn't resist him. I knew my plan to escape had failed and that I was stuck with going to the devil's house. He opened the back door of the squad car and made me look at him.

"Are we gonna have any more problems?"

I bit my lip hard to keep back my sarcastic comment and just shook my head no.

"Good." He took off my handcuffs and handed me the duffle bag. "Get in the car."

I tossed my duffle and backpack into the car before jumping in after them. I stared at my lap as he slammed the door shut and hopped behind the wheel.

"You were right. She tried to run."

Are they seriously going to talk about me when I'm literally right behind them?

"Told ya. I saw that look in her eyes at the hospital. The look of your world being flipped upside down and you're too scared to face the new one. And the way she was with that boyfriend of hers, she wasn't just gonna leave him. They care about each other too much to just go their seperate ways."

I really wanted to punch him. It was just metal wire separating us not a thick cement wall.

Ooooo I'd really like to beat my head against one of those right about now.

The rest of the drive was silent and I just stared out the window through the metal bars. I saw the sign on the highway for the airport and sat up a little straighter. It took about five minutes for us to reach the airport. The passenger side cop (the one that thinks I'm deaf, not the one that side tackled me) got out and unlocked the door. I hopped out of the car with my bags and followed the cop inside. We went to airport security where the cop began talking with one of the men. Stuff about which flight I was on and other crap that I tuned out. The cop finally tapped my shoulder to get my attention.

"This is Dave. He will be responsible for you until you board the plane. I assured him you wouldn't be any trouble." He gave me a pointed look which I just barely managed to refrain returning with an eye roll. He then handed me an envelope. "This is to be opened on the plane. Once the flight has landed another man named Jeff will be there watching to make sure you find whoever it is that is picking you up. Do not try and run or you will be caught. Am I clear?"

I nodded and looked at the envelope in my hand. It was a simple white envelope that you might receive in the mail any day. And yet I felt like it was the prologue to my new life.

I followed Dave towards the terminal and we sat there waiting. It took all of two minutes of an awkward silence before I gave up and pulled out my headphones. I pulled up the wifi and scowled that all the options were locked. It's not like my family had enough money floating around to pay for unlimited data. Although I guess with this new revelation, money isn't exactly a problem. I made sure that Dave wasn't watching me and began to hack into one of the personal hotspots. Those are generally easier to hack and this one was no different. What? I'm smart. Deal with it. I grinned as it unlocked and I was connected to wifi. Thank you waffle_goat73. Seriously there are 73 other waffle_goat 's? Weird. It was about 30 minutes later when I felt Dave tap me. I pulled out an earbud.

"Time to board your flight."

I followed him towards the boarding terminal thingy majig. I handed my ticket to the lady and left Dave behind. I wasn't planning on ditching when I got to New York. I mean I would be hungry by then and why would I ditch free food? It's just not logical. If I decided to run again it would be once I was in my new house. I walked down the teeny aisle and brushed past way too many people to count. I got to my seat and was happy that I had the window seat. I left my earbuds in, even though I couldn't play anything until after we'd taken off. It made it so that people wouldn't try to talk to me and that is why these are the best gift I have ever received. I paid no attention as the flight attendants went over the safety rules. I mean honestly. We are flying over LAND. If we start to crash, we're all dead no matter what precautions we take. The flight took off shortly later and once we were air bound, I took out my phone and couldn't help but hold back a laugh. Waffle_goat73 was on this flight. Go figure. The flight was an estimated 4 hours. Welp time for a nap. And no I'm not giving you details about how uncomfy it is to try and sleep on a plane.

Sorry that I don't have a set updating schedule! I just kinda right when I'm inspired and hope it turns out okay. I know there are a lot of these fanfics out there so I hope you guys like this one. If you guys have any ideas you want to see implemented let me know and I will definitely consider them! That being said I do have some ideas rolling around in my brain that I hope you guys like!

The Unexpected (A Tony Stark Daughter Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant