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Pictures I'm living through for now, trying to remember all the good times . . .

With a confused expression, George looked over at you. "Do you realize how long it's been since Fred has been gone?" He asked in a soft-spoken voice. You froze up, glancing up from the book of spells in your hands. "It's nearly been a year, Y/N. And I still feel like shit," he miserably said. You frowned softly at the man and put your book down, making your way over to him.

"No one said you were gonna be all happy as soon as possible," you said. "Neither did anyone else think they'd still be torn up about Fred. But I still am. Your siblings. Your parents. God, your mother-"

"I know, Y/N. I know," he interrupted with an angry expression. "I know that my parents miss him. I know Ginny and Ron are torn up about it because now they only have one older prankster brother who can't even pull off a prank without his twin. I know everyone else is stressed out but not as torn up as I am. And I know your upset and I can't even help you because I'm too swallowed up in my own self-pity!"

"Self-pity? You think what you have is self-pity? Love, it's called the stages of grieving. Everyone goes through it. It's all different depending on who you are. Some people recover faster. Some don't. It all depends. But I will always be here for you... and who says you don't have a partner in crime when it comes to pranks?" George looked up at you, once again in confusion. "I never left, now did I? I'm still right here." George tightly hugged you and squeezed his eyes shut, not saying a single world. The two of you would stay in that position for hours. That's all George really needed. All he needed was to know that someone was there for him. And he finally began to realize that he wasn't alone - you, as you had said before, were always right there in front of him. You had never left. He still had a partner-in-crime. He would be okay. But you still needed to help yourself before you could fully help him. For, who could help someone else when they were already broken on the inside?

(I'd like to say this is a filler but it's a bit longer than what I usually call a filler)

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