The Curse of the Black Spot (pt 3)

Comenzar desde el principio

Amy reached for Rory again, but the Siren hissed at her until she stepped away. "She won't let us take them."

"She's keeping them alive but doesn't know how to heal them," The Doctor figured.

"I'm his wife for god's sake! Why can't I touch him?" Amy glared at her.

"Tell her Amy. Show her your ring." He grabbed her left hand, waving the ring in front of the Siren's face. "She may be virtual but she's intelligent. You can't do anything without her consent. Come on! Sophisticated girl like you, that must be somewhere in your core program."

"Amy, say something," I tried.

"Look. He's very ill, okay? I just want to look after him. Why won't you let me near my husband!?" She cried.

Although it was not evident anywhere on the Siren's face that she understood, she held out her left hand with a gold ring of light around it.

"Consent form. Sign it. Put your hand in the light. Rory's sick, you have to take full responsibility." The Doctor said.

Amy put her hand through the ring, and the Siren disappeared. Amy rushed towards Rory again, turning off the power on whatever machine he was floating on-- but he gasped for air, dying once again.

"He can't breathe, turn it back on!"

Amy turned it back on. "What can we do? We can't just leave him here."

"He'll die if you take him out," I reminded her.

Amy stroked Rory's face. "Rory? Wake up."

As if her words were magic, he blinked his eyes open. "Where am I?"

"You're in a hospital. If you leave you might die," the Doctor got straight to the point.

"But if you don't you'll have to stay forever," Amy continued.

"You're saying that if I don't get up now..." Rory trailed.

"You'll never leave." Amy finished, tears in her eyes.

"The Siren will keep you safe." The Doctor reminded him softly.

Rory nodded. "And if I come with you?"

"Drowning, on the point of death."

"I'm a nurse." Rory stated.

"What?" Amy asked.

"I can teach you how to save me."

"Hold on--"

"I was drowning. You just have to resuscitate me."


"You've seen them do it loads of times in films. CPR. The kiss of life."

Amy shook her head. "Rory, this isn't a film, okay. What if I do it wrong?"

"You won't." The look Rory gave her told her that he believed that entirely.

"Okay, but what if you don't come back to life? What if--"

"I trust you."

"What about the Doctor? Or Nova? I mean, why do I have to be the one? Why do I have to save you?" Amy was nervous.

"Because I know you'll never give up."

Amy nodded.


By some miracle, Amy saved Rory's life like I knew she would. He trusted her endlessly, and she never gave up on him. Although there was some panic in the beginning, once I realized Rory was going to be okay, I desperately wanted him and Amy out of the room.

In all honesty, I wasn't exactly paying attention-- something about Amy and the Doctor being worried about each other-- because I was too busy staring at the new object on the console.

I sat in the pilot's chair, absent-mindedly playing with my hair, until the Doctor said, "Go to sleep, Pond," and Amy smiled and left.

I stood and rushed up to the Doctor the moment she closed a door. "Is that it? The liquid version of the orb? I'm supposed to drink that, right?" I pointed at the spot on the console where the orb used to be. It looked like the orb was still there-- only just half of it, like someone had sliced off the top half, and now it was filled with a strange liquid-- the same, gold-glowing christmas light type the orb was filled with.

"Yes..." The Doctor picked it up, and held it in his hands carefully, like it would break if he breathed too hard. Maybe that was why he whispered. "Nova, are you sure? The Time Lords, they're... dangerous. And once you get this power, you can't undo it."

"Someone went through a lot of effort to bring me all the way over here with that. Or multiple people." I reminded myself.

I watched as the Doctor moved his fingers slowly so that his hands moved under the half-sphere, holding it like an offering. But his arms were not outstretched to me yet. He closed his eyes. "Do you know why the Supernova means so much to the Time Lords?"

"Why?" I asked. I may have known part of the answer, but I wanted to hear him explain it to me.

"The Omega and Rassilon used its power to allow for time travel. Its raw energy is what gives-- or gave us-- I don't know, our abilities." He struggled, and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes, and when he looked at me, he slowed down, his voice as careful as his hands under the half-orb. "Basically... it's what made the Time Lords themselves. The Supernova. It's in your name, and it's in this orb. You said that when they reversed your regenerations, they called it the Amending of the Supernova."

"Amending. A new version. When I named myself that, I said it meant to make new, to be new..." I thought all the way back to when I had first met the Doctor-- or rather, when he had first met me. All I wanted was to be someone else. To start over. To be who I was supposed to be-- the new me that Area 51 would never let me discover.

"And it could still mean that!" The Doctor assured me. "But it could also mean..."

"I'm... the Second Supernova?" I said it like a question. I almost couldn't believe it.

"Only if you drink this." The Doctor held the strange spherical cup out to me.

I slowly traced my fingers between his, filling the gaps, holding the light glass carefully.

The Doctor stared at me again, his eyes asking me, are you sure?

I lifted the glass to my lips. The liquid smelled like something pure and new-- like the clearest version of water I would ever feel. I tasted it, and how smooth it felt gliding down my throat was almost intoxicating. I felt empowered.

I stared back at him.


a/n: once again, i end up posting the next chapter the next day. hope you all enjoyed this, and get the sense that i've been planning this big huge thing since the very first chapter. it will still take some time for it to REALLY unfold, but... we're getting there!!!

i move out this week and am losing my mind packing and running errands and doing Weird Adult Things like that, so i don't know when the next chapter will be up. but i will still be here to reply to messages and comments. 

check my message board thing, because i'll probably say there when i'll update again, and if for some reason you really want to know what's going on in my life or just want to say hi, you can check my twitter, which is now @ marvelatina 

thanks for reading, hopefully i'll be back soon!!

ps- if you're looking for the chapter where the 'amending of the supernova' thing happened, it was "The Hungry Earth (pt 3) / Cold Blood (pt 1)" chapter 25 of book 1

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