That night Gavin's dreams were more vivid than ever. First he saw himself and Mirabelle completing the quest, finding her father and her memories, her friends apologized and the evil witch was defeated. The sorceress turned out to be alive and captured Mirabelle. The sorceress tortured Mirabelle over and over again fisrt burning her then healing her then poisoning her then healing again. On and on it went. The dream changed and Gavin was left standing alone in soundless pit of white. Swirling white mist poured over everything yet nothing had shape. Any solid figure melted into the lightest gray shadow. Any movement that would have made sound, didn't. If Gavin tried to speak the mist would move but nothing could be heard. He jumped and screamed, trying to be heard, until his throat ached and he gasped for breath. Annoyed and confused Gavin started walking in a direction. The only thing that reassured Gavin that he was actually moving was the fact that the mist swayed and shimmered around his feet, as if he was walking in a powdery, light as a feather, dry water. Then the mist started to retreat. When Gavin could see the blank landscape ahead of him clearly, a sound started reach him. The farther back the mist moved the more clearly the voice became until finally Gavin could make out what the words were.

"Wa-e u-... W-ke –p... Wake up!" Mirabelle yelled, her voice finally getting through to the sleeping Gavin. "It's mid-morning! We should have already been on our way by now." Mirabelle shook her head at Gavin. She was slightly annoyed but she was mostly just mocking him for being such a sleeping beauty. A few minutes later Gavin scrambled out of his tent and saw that breakfast had already been cooked and Mirabelle's tent and other things were already packed up. While eating his breakfast of oatmeal and toast and bacon Gavin rushed around packing up his belongings and struggling to take down his tent. It wasn't until sunhigh that Gavin and Mirabelle actually set out again. Gavin checked the compass every once in a while and every time he did so Mirabelle set a faster pace.

By midafternoon Gavin was panting and soaked in sweat from the afternoon heat. "Can't we take a break," He breathed.

"You woke up late. We have to walk faster to make up for lost time. It's your fault." Mirabelle said in a non-negotiable tone.

"No. It's not my fault. One; you didn't wake me up and two; we don't have a deadline so we could walk slower." Gavin contradicted.

"Of course! YOU wouldn't understand!" Mirabelle screamed at him. Eyes blazing, she sped up even more. Gavin opened his eyes wide in surprise. This was the second time she had snapped at him like that. Although he felt as if he and Mirabelle had a shaky friendship, they were tight. Gavin decided to give Mirabelle some time to cool off before going to talk to her about what just happened.

Mirabelle was someone who could hold a grudge. She was kind and caring, sweet and helpful, brave and courageous, smart and stubborn. She could forgive but never forget. When someone angered her enough, man could she hold a grudge. This was something Gavin found out about Mirabelle during her little rampage and 'blame Gavin' campaign. Tired after walking from hours on end and not in the greatest mood, Gavin refused to apologize for something that he didn't know about. He didn't want to pick a fight but he wasn't going to restore peace.

In a few days Mirabelle had forgotten why she was so angry with Gavin. She remembered their fight and him asking to slow down but she couldn't recall why she had gotten so mad. Lately Mirabelle felt as if she and Gavin were having an on again off again friendship. As if something was making her feel this way. Wait... first 2 friends betray and try to destroy me then an evil crew of weirdo's say they are following masters orders to kill me. So why wouldn't this same person try to turn me against my last friend, Mirabelle thought.

"Gavin!" Mirabelle exclaimed as realization washed over her.

"What?" Gavin asked as he sped up to be next to Mirabelle. His expression showed he was still a little annoyed with the way Mirabelle had been treating him. Still if Mirabelle sounded that surprised and almost desperate then Gavin would listen.

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