Chapter 2

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As the days went by Mirabelle carved a bowl, a plate, a fork and a spoon out of wood, sewed some new blankets and a few new dresses, and bought a knife and some papyrus and ink. She packed up her clothes and new items and her journal the night before the end of the week of preparation. The next morning Mirabelle saddled her horse and set out towards the harbor thinking it would be the best place that she could get directions.

Mirabelle woke up and looked around blinking her eyes. Sleep still pulled at her brain and she was very groggy. Soon realization washed over her that her horse was gone. Mirabelle wondered if she had fell asleep while riding the horse and then had fallen off or if she just didn't remember getting off. Mirabelle was achy but that could have been from sleeping on the hard ground. Mirabelle looked around and found her bag a few feet away still full of all her belongings. Then she realized she didn't know where she was or how close she was to the harbor. Without her horse it would take days to walk especially if she didn't know what direction to go. Mirabelle decided to climb a tree to get a better view of her surroundings. From the top of the 50 foot pine Mirabelle could get a pretty clear look of where she was.

About a couple day's walk through a small forest and an open field lay the bay where crystal blue water lapped at the edges of the beach. Mirabelle quickly started to climb down so that she could get to the harbor faster but she climbed down too quickly and slipped about 20 feet from the ground.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" Mirabelle screamed as she fell. Branches seemed to jump out of her way so that she didn't whack herself very hard on the bark but it also meant that nothing was slowing her fall. Mirabelle hit the ground hard and her breath caught in her throat as she heard a crack. Her throat constricted with the effort of trying not to cry and she tried not to be sick as she looked at her ankle. It was twisted in a way that ankles shouldn't look like. With no means of transportation besides walking, no friends, and no way to contact anyone Mirabelle was dead meat. As the pain subsided slightly Mirabelle shoved her ankle back into place, screaming all the while. Soon the pain was reduced although her ankle was still frightfully swollen. Mirabelle tore a piece of cloth from one of her blankets and wrapped her ankle to help reduce swelling and keep it from getting any worse.

With no food, no water, a broken ankle and a few day's walk to the nearest town Mirabelle didn't know what she was going to do. Mirabelle was about to doze off when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She stiffened, afraid that it was a wild animal coming to at her but relaxed and rejoiced when she saw that it was her horse.

"Flash come here boy," Mirabelle coaxed. She didn't have any treat with her but the horse knew her well enough. The horse, Flash walked up to Mirabelle slowly and cautiously then realizing it was her, with less caution. Mirabelle grabbed her pack then signaled for flash to lie down so that she could get on. Mirabelle clambered on, awkwardly because of her broken ankle, but on just the same and headed out for the town. Mirabelle rode for the rest of the day and all through the night, and as the first sun streaks of dawn appeared Mirabelle reached the small forest she had seen from the huge tree she had climbed yesterday. Her ankle throbbed and her butt was sore from riding for so long but happiness spread throughout her body giving her new found energy.

As Mirabelle rode on clouds rolled in, dark stormy gray clouds bringing heavy rain, thunder and lightning. A few minutes later, the storm hit. The trees around her swayed and cracked, Mirabelle could barely see 3 feet in front of her rain was pouring so hard. Thunder shook the ground and lightning lit up the sky for only a second but crackling with energy. Flash, the horse, freaked out rearing and prancing, whinnying out of shear fright. Thunder roared overhead at the same time as lightning stuck the tree to the left of the girl and her horse, setting the tree on fire but only for a second as the heavy rain put it out in no time. The lightning induced fire scared the horse so bad he jumped 5 feet sideways, spun around sending Mirabelle flying through the air and took off in the opposite direction. As Mirabelle soared toward the ground she hit a tree and blackness washed over her like a sea of calm. Just before the darkness took her, Mirabelle thought she saw a person descending from the stormy clouds.

A couple minutes later the storm ceased and a girl with dark hair and blue eyes wearing the strangest clothes you've ever seen came running over the hill towards where Mirabelle lay unconscious. Tight black pants underneath a very short ripped hem royal purple skirt. Black ankle boots with a higher lump in the back putting her weight forward onto the balls of her feet. A gray short sleeve shirt with the sleeves hanging off her shoulders. Her hair was a black as night but the tips, hanging at her shoulders, were blood red.

"Hello! Anyone out here!" the strange girl called. Mirabelle heard a distant voice in her head but she was unconscious and in her dreamlike state couldn't make out the words. The shouting became louder in her head, more clear. Mirabelle was fighting to wake up but exhaustion was against her all the way and a part of her didn't want to wake only to feel the pain of her injured ankle.

Mirabelle opened her eyes then shut them again to shield herself against the blaring rays of the sun.

"Are you okay?" the strange girl asked. Mirabelle was still blurry eyed and her head hurt like crazy. Mirabelle groaned, it was too much energy to speak in actual words. The girl helped Mirabelle up off the ground and half-carried her to a small house next to a stream in the woods. As soon as Mirabelle laid down on the bed she fell asleep.

Mirabelle woke up sometime later, squinting because of the sunlight.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked her.

"Yes. I think so. Who are you?" Mirabelle asked the voice.

"My name is Nivana. What is yours?"

"Mirabelle. How long have I been out?"

"Oh, about 2 weeks." Nivana said.

"What! Really!" Mirabelle nearly screamed the words.

"No! No... I'm just kidding with you. You were only out for about 3 days." Nivana laughed at Mirabelle's reaction.

"That's still a pretty long time..." Mirabelle voice failed at the end.

"Is there somewhere you need to be?"

"I was, I still am actually, searching for my father and... my memories." Mirabelle replied sullenly.

"Well we could probably head out tomorrow. I fixed your ankle and your concussion and your broken wrist." Nivana said.

"We?" Mirabelle asked.

"Yes well I thought I could help you. Is that okay?"

"Of course" Mirabelle exclaimed. Then her belly let out a big rumble and both girls laughed. Both of them ate a delicious stew Nivana had made and some bread. After that Mirabelle fell fast asleep again.

The next morning when Mirabelle woke up, Nivana was already awake with everything prepared to head out. Food, water, clothing, blankets, everything you would need for a short trip until you could restock your supplies.

"So you're really going to help me on my quest?"

"Of course. You may be a teen but you're still pretty young to be traveling the country searching for your father and your memories." Nivana told Mirabelle. Mirabelle smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Let's go," Nivana said. The thought that Nivana was pretty young to be traveling too struck Mirabelle's mind but she didn't mention it.

Nivana had a horse too. Her horses name was Streak. So Nivana rode Streak and Mirabelle rode Flash and each of them carried a saddle pack full of food and water and changes of clothing. The girls talked on the way. Mirabelle asked Nivana about her clothing and hair style and Nivana asked Mirabelle about the reasons for accepting the quest in the first place. By lunch time they had learned a lot about each other. The girls had apple slices and biscuits with butter and honey and for dessert a caramelized raspberry cluster each.

Their bellies full of delicious foods, the girls set out again and rode until dusk when they prepared dinner which was premade stew and biscuits warmed over a fire. Then the girls pitched their tents and covered themselves in blankets, preparing for a cold night.

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