"What are you making?" Gavin wondered aloud. Whatever it was it smelled amazing.

"Eggs on warm biscuits with sausage on the side." Mirabelle said. It was one of her favorite recipes as a child. As Mirabelle recalled this, she realized that this was another one of her missing memories returned.

"Delicious. No bacon?" Gavin asked. He loved bacon to the point where no words can even describe it. It was Gavin's one good memory from his past life. The way his mom made it, it was like bacon heaven. Since his one good memory was tied to bacon, Bacon was magical to Gavin.

"Sorry no." Mirabelle answered.

"Aww man. I love bacon. It's okay though, I'm sure the sausage will taste just fine." Gavin said with a fake smile. Sausage just wasn't the same. Mirabelle shook her head at him, sensing his disappointment.

Gavin ate his breakfast ravenously, despite the sausage, and kept asking for seconds, thirds and fourths. Mirabelle ate but after her first helping, got disgusted by Gavin's eating and lost her appetite. When there was nothing left but a couple of scraps, Mirabelle started to pack up. Folding the blankets, washing the small skillet, tossing the scraps, packing up the reusable food. Gavin lay there complaining about his stomach the entire time.

"It was your fault for eating so much." Was all that Mirabelle had to say on that matter.

""It was your fault for making it taste so good." Was Gavin's comeback, which really just made Mirabelle blush since it was a compliment of sorts. When everything was packed up, Gavin pushed himself off the ground, grabbed the pack from Mirabelle and took the lead. Mirabelle fell in behind him. Gavin turned around to see how Mirabelle was doing and saw that she was staring at the sky, a dreamy look in her eyes. He smiled and kept walking. They had bit before they would arrive at the suppliers.

It was mid-afternoon when Mirabelle and Gavin finally reached 'the supplier'. That's what Gavin called the person who was going to get Mirabelle some supplies. Gavin didn't say it was a store or a market or even a boy or a girl just that they could get the best of the best supplies. That is what bugged Mirabelle the most, the fact that Gavin had to be so vague all the time.

"Can't you explain who 'the supplier' just a little bit better?" Mirabelle begged Gavin. Gavin gave her a sideways look, almost like he couldn't believe that she was still trying to get him to explain.

"They just supply me with supplies." Gavin replied.

"Haha! You said 'they'. Does that mean there is multiple people?" Mirabelle questioned. Mirabelle was dying to know so she wouldn't drop the subject.

"I don't know! Just stop! Okay?" Gavin was annoyed. He truly didn't know much about who the supplier was but even though he had always been cautious Gavin had never wondered too much about who he was. Mirabelle was confused. All of the sudden Gavin went from being really nice to being mean.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to know. I mean this person is going to be giving me all the supplies I need to keep traveling and you won't tell me anything about who he or she is." Mirabelle said, downcast. She didn't mean to pester him but Mirabelle wanted to know.

"It's fine. To tell you the truth I don't really know very much about the supplier. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl or multiple people. I've never bothered to ask because they are very secluded. I usually just get my supplies and leave." Gavin told Mirabelle.

"And you never thought that was suspicious at all?" Mirabelle asked. The fact that Mirabelle was already asking so many and she hadn't even met the supplier was funny because it had never even crossed Gavin's mind. Mirabelle understood that Gavin couldn't answer her questions so she stopped asking them. A couple hours later, Mirabelle was about to ask 'how much longer?' but when she saw a small market on the edge of town, she changed her question.

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