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So it's been about a week and Jonah and I are going to make it official.
We've been on 2 dates (1 being a hot air balloon ride and the other going for a hike with Logan Brendan and Jaclyn) and I have a confession...
I might be falling for him. Deeply.
But I don't want this to turn into the past relationship I had with Matthieu (my ex-boyfriend)
I've finally moved out of Logan's apartment since I decided I didn't want to live with him in his new house seeing as I'd already chosen a house which was in the middle of Jake's and the why don't we boys houses.
I've been signed to a new modelling agency being Forever 21.
It isn't as big as my last but it wouldn't be time consuming and I'd still be able to spend time with Jake, the rest of team 10, logan and the why don't we boys.

So I have been doing weekly vlogs for Tuesdays but sometimes I upload more than once if I've been doing some interesting shit.
Today is Tuesday and I'll be uploading a video from yesterday of me and Jonah announcing it.

I haven't told Jake so hopefully he will watch my vlogs as I've been watching his because he always complains about me not watching them.

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