You Made It

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A/N: Hope you are enjoying this story! It is quickly drawing to a close. One more chapter after this one and then an epilogue.


Emma's POV            

I wake up to a pretty painful contraction. I sit up quickly, trying to get through the pain. David rushes over to me and starts to massage my back, trying to help me through it. I push him away quickly when I feel bile rise up my throat. He seems to realize what's about to happen because before I can get sick, there's a bucket under my head. Once I finish throwing up, I lay back down. He goes to throw away the nasty mess before returning with the bucket and some cool rags. He places one on my forehead and I will admit, it felt wonderful.

"I'm sorry David," I say.

"No worries, Emma. I just want you to relax."

I notice he's been texting.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask curiously.

"Mary-Margaret. She's worried about you," he answers. I really should have known that.

"Of course she is. This isn't my first rodeo, you know." I look down quickly when I realize what I said.

"Emma?" David asks. I look up cautiously and find his eyes full of controlled curiosity and concern.

"It's nothing," I say quickly, before gasping through a contraction.

"Breathe, Emma," he says gently.

Once the contraction is over, I start to cry. David wraps his arms around me and rubs gentle circles on my back. This was going to be so hard and I didn't have Killian with me. To say I was scared was an understatement. It wasn't that I didn't trust David, I did, with my entire being, but it wasn't an ideal situation and we all knew that.

"I will do everything I can, Emma. We will deliver these babies safely," he says as if sensing my worries.

"Thank you, David."

"You're welcome, Emma. You know I think of you as a daughter."

"I know. And it's still weird. You're only a few years older than me," I chuckle.

"Be that as it may, I will still protect you like family. Speaking of, Mary Margaret wants to talk to you."

I sigh dramatically. This was going to go over real well.

"Alright, let's get it over with." Couldn't put off the inevitable. 

Killian's POV

Robin and I were a few minutes out from the station. It was worse here than it was further out. There were a few times I thought we were going to wreck, but somehow he managed to keep the car straight and maneuver out of the way of others.

"Since when did you learn to drive like this?" I ask. 

"I have been an officer a hell of a lot longer than you have, Jones."

"Fair point, but what happened to the 'follow the rule book' Englishman I once knew?" I really wanted to know.

"Life changes, Killian, as you well know. I just happened to become a bit looser when it did. Now, get ready, we're almost there," he says, nodding to the end of the block where the station was.

His phone goes off and I look at the message. Jeff had made it to the hospital. Good. He'd be alright.

"What was it?" he asks, looking over in my direction.

"Jeff is at the hospital, going into surgery," I tell him.

"Good. We're here," he says.

As soon as he parks, we're both out of the vehicle and into the precinct. The room goes silent when we walk in. What the hell was going on? My head snaps up when a scream pierces the quiet room.

"Emma?" I ask before racing across the room and up the stairs and into the Captain's office. There she was, with David. "Swan?" I ask.

As soon as she can, she looks over at me, relief and joy in her features.

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