The Beginning

211 6 0

34 Weeks

It's been a hell of a long road. Killian and I were about at our wits end with each other. I honestly don't know how he's put up with me this long, but I'll be eternally grateful for it. I was at work (desk duty of course) when it happened. It was a snowy day in December. Killian was going in for his last day of work, and since everyone was busy, he took me with him to the station so he could keep an eye on me. We dropped Henry off at Mary Margaret's apartment so she could keep an eye on him until she had to leave. Killian got called out with several of the other guys an hour into our arrival, so, as requested, David watched over me like a hawk. I was worried about Killian; the streets were horrible and getting worse quickly.

I'd been sitting at my desk an hour after he left when I felt the first contraction. It didn't hurt that much, it just caught me off guard. I shifted in my seat to get comfortable, and of course David hurried over to my side, asking if I was alright. Me being stubborn as usual told him it was a kick and not to worry. He backed away after that.

A few hours went by and there was still nothing on the group that was called out. We were all getting worried. The contractions were getting closer and harder to hide. I grunted in pain as the next set came and went.

"Emma, are you sure you're alright?" David asks me again.

"No. I'm not alright. We haven't heard from any of them and we should have."

Before David could reply, the radios went off.

"Officer down, I repeat, officer down. Old abandoned warehouse corner of 75th and Hickman."

I hold my breath. Please, don't let it be Killian.

"Who's down?" David asks nervously.

"Jeff's down," Robin tells us.

 A breath of relief escapes my lips. I felt sorry that he was hurt, but I'm thankful Killian was okay. 

"Ambulance en route. We got the bastard and will be on the way back as soon as the ambulance gets here," Robin says, clearly upset.

"Get back here safely boys. I think we're about to be stuck."

"Will do boss. Killian wants to know how Emma's doing."

He looks over at me before answering. "She's fine. Been a bit restless, but that's to be expected when pregnant. Tell him just to get back here—" He cuts off when I whimper as my water breaks. He watches as a puddle forms at my feet.

"Captain?" Robin asks.

"Get Killian here quickly. Don't tell him what's going on, but Emma's in labor. I don't know if we'll be able to leave."

"Captain, we've been told to stay here," one of the officers says from the main floor.

"We're stuck. Get him here safely. She's going to need him. I'll get ahold of Addison."

"Will do Captain. Take care of her."

"Emma, why didn't you tell me you were in labor?" David asks me, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"I was worried about Killian. I thought he wasn't going to come back. I couldn't think about myself," I admit, slightly upset with myself.

David shakes his head. "Emma, he'll be fine. Now, we need to tend to you. What do you need?"

"Dry pants?" I ask a bit embarrassed.

"Come on, I'll get them for you."

I follow him to the back, where he hands me a change of clothes and helps me to the bathroom to change. After I finish in the bathroom, he leads me back to his office, where I find there has been a mattress placed on the ground against the couch with a few pillows. There was also an exercise ball.

"David, why do you have all of this stuff?" I was really confused.

"Well...Mary Margaret went into labor here the second time. I had this in one of the storage rooms just in case something like that happened. And it seems a good thing I did," he replies, raising an eyebrow.

"She did?"

"You were out that day. I think you were after the bank robber that day, the one that had been taking a hostage per bank robbed."

"Oh...well...I'm sure she was in good hands." This was getting awkward.

David chuckles. "It was a long day that's for sure. Anyway, get comfortable. I'm going to check on something really quick."

I walk over towards the couch and lay down on my side, one pillow at my back, one between my legs, and one to wrap my arms around.

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