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"Get out!" I screamed hunched over the tub. I rather throw up in the tub than the toilet. That's really gross to me. "Let me help you." I shot my head up and wiped my mouth staring at him. "Zayn just get out please. I'm fine, just go do your drill today. You don't have to stay here and watch over me. I'm pregnant not fucking cripple." He throws his hands up walking out of the bathroom. "Gezz." I sighed laying my head on the shower door grabbing my phone out of my pocket as it rung. "Hello" "Melanie. It's me Bryson" he said "I know who it is. What's up." I told him. "I'm on my way over to drop a few things off. Then maybe we can drive around town. i have a few thing i really want to get off my chest with you if that is ok with you." I agreed to go with him. Believe it or not I'm tired of being in this house. i can't really go anywhere since I'm scared to leave in fear somebody is watching my every move after that text i got just a few days ago and i already feel like if i stay indoors Zayn will probably be up my back making sure I'm careful with every little thing I'm down. Just a few hours ago he wouldn't let me drink a soda. It wasn't like i was going to drink the whole damn can anyways i was just trying to take my prenatal vitamins. "Melanie you there?" "Yes I'm here." "Alright. I'm outside." "Ok. let me get dressed. and I'll be out in a few."

I hung up the phone turning the shower on rinsing the almost dry barf out. I got dressed in my peach colored t-shirt dress, my clear peep toe heels and a denim hat. "You look comfortable. Where you going?" Zayn asked looking over at me as i walked down the steps. "Bryson is outside. He says he has a few things for the baby." Zayn clenches his jaw walking outside. "Why are you on my property?" I watched him knock on Bryson's window. "Zayn I just told you why." "Yea but I want to hear him say it. What do you want with my girlfriend?" Bryson chuckles "your girlfriend who is my baby mama wanted to get our child gifts a friend of mine brought. So can the mother of my child get it or do i have to go through you in order for her to get it?" i watched as Bryson got out of the car talking toward the true of the car and opens it pulling out several baby R us bags. "You can just- hand those to me" I said walking towards the car. Zayn moves me out the way and pushes Bryson. I finally get to see the guy that basically raped, kid napped and gotten my girlfriend pregnant." Zayn swings at him punching him right in the nose. "you fucking bitch." Bryson gets up from the ground and swings but Zayn grabs his arm twists it, moves it towards his back forcing his back on the ground. "i could do some much worse to you but i don't want to be in jail for manslaughter. so id advise you to say what you need to say to my girlfriend now then get the fuck away from my house. Melanie you can walk over here now." Zayn yelled fr0m behind the car. I did as i was told staring at them both. "Get the fuck off me. fuck man!!" "Just tell me what you have to say. i dont want Zayn to break your arm or worse." "Alright. So i found out who was sending you the sketchy messages. It was somebody i know personally." "What is he talking about messages.? what was being sent to you mel?" i let out a hard sigh. "The messages were to warn me about Bryson." Zayn scoofs. "We already know the nigga is crazy. What else do i need to protect you from Mel that involves him?" Zayn lets Bryson up "My fucking shoulders" bryson groans "No one gives a fuck about you being in pain. tell her whats up then leave."Zayn spat."Zayn can you stop please. Just shh. Tell me bryson Please" I looked at him. "What the person texted you talking about me not being sane. She forgot to tell you that i have Erotroania. Also i do have another child. He name is Harley. I lied to you earlier today because i didn't know how to tell you." i slapped him before walking back in the house. "THATS YOUR QUE TO LEAVE" Zayn yelled then grabs the bags following behind me. "Mel why didn't you tell me about this person texting you shit?" He drops the bags on the couch kicking the door closed behind him. "Why would I tell you something like that right after I told you that the child I'm carrying is not yours?" I turned to face him. "Look I just did not want you to worry about me. I wanted to handle it on my own and I did, sort of. You did not have to do all that stuff to Bryson." Zayn scoffs sitting on the edge of the couch. "I did actually. You don't know how much anger I had bottled up. I had to let it out sometime." He shrugs handing the bags to me. "I know you're upset about the stuff he's done to me. Hell i am still upset about it. But you don't see me trying to break people's shoulders over it". "The fuck is wrong with you. Did you forget the shit he put you through over the last few months? Come on Melanie. Think about it. I have a good ass reason to want to break every bone in that guys body. He got you fucking pregnant after sexually abusing you. Or are you trying to tell me the night it happened you willing had sex with him and took some pill so you could play like a victim so I wouldn't  break up with your ass." He asked me. "You really think i would treat you like that let alone lie to you like that?" he laughs shaking his head "You have lied to me before. I knew what was going one between you two a long time ago. Like that night you lied and said you were going to a office meeting slash dinner but you really went on a damn date with Bryson. i am not dumb sweet heart so don't act like i am." he told me walking upstairs. "Im sorry Zayn"

"Im sorry too". I heard him say walking into the room. "Zayn!" I struggled to get up from the floor. "Zayn!!!" I sighed pushing the bag out of so I could crawl to the couch to get off the ground." You need help?" I looked over letting out a few deep breaths "No" I groaned finally getting off the ground. "You're only 9 weeks pregnant and you're already struggling to get off the floor." I scoffed at him sitting on the couch. "Do you really think I meant to get pregnant by Bryson? It's just the stuff you said really hurt me and I just need to know how do you really feel about me." I looked at him before tapping the seat next to me. "Its not that i don't trust you. I do trust you to an extent. I just get why would step out on me. What wasn't i doing for you that you had to lie to me about having an affair with your boss." he rubbed his face leaning on the wall. "it was not an affair."

"You lied about going on dates with this man. it was an affair Melanie" he said rising his voice. "I was lonely sort of. You're always on base training and I'm home spending the night alone. i was in need of attention. So i went and found it in Bryson until i figure out the attention he was giving me was getting creepy and then he drugged me the night i wanted to end it. Which caused more shit to happen to me and now I'm pregnant with his child. I know you hate me. You're allowed to hate me. I hurt you because i lied and put our relationship in jeopardy. Im so sorry Zayn. I just- i don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. Please forgive me." he nods walking to me and hugs me. "i forgive you, well i am mel bear. and I'm going to help raise your child like he or she my own." He whispers i love you in my ear before kissing me intensely.

Five Comments For An Update.

Published 8/27/17

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