Chapter 2

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My day had started just like any other. I'd stay in bed till something interesting happened as I had been given a break by my company;a reward for my excellent services.Thats how my recent days have been until I remembered something.


Unfortunately,Kayde had a room next to mine.Obviously my mom's idea to put him in the room next to mine so we could bond but you know what I didnt want to bond with a man that just showed up on our doorstep yesterday.

I protested so much against the idea that I found myself screaming at my mum. I offered to sleep in the basement and my mum just looked at me as if I lost all sense of reasoning.

Well maybe I had.

And guess what,they left me to 'bond' with a stranger while they went to the mall,of all the times for mum and Leah to go shopping it had to be now and they would probably be laughing so hard at me that I could almost hear them and now I think I have lost all my senses now.

It was all nicely planned;but this would've worked out fine if I cared.Hell I didn't give a damn about it,I didnt want to get married at least now.I had a job to keep up with and the potential prospect of me wiping a baby's ass and wearing the baby diapers wasnt something I wanted to get involved in.

Then I just remembered I had to finish some computer work,that was one of the perks that came with being the most efficient worker at my company;being able to work from home.It was amazing really,some days I was just too stressed out to go to work that I would work from home.

Well Mr-who-I-didnt-want-to-see decided to show up,he always had this aura of shyness around him like he hardly talked to people and I silently thanked God for that.The last person I wanted to start a discussion with was this guy over here.

I completely ignored his presence and continued working on my computer in the hopes he wouldn't want to make any conversation,just take whatever he wants and get the hell out of my living room

He was dangerously close to me and my instincts told me to shift back immediately besides my instincts never lie so I obeyed them.I could feel his body shifting closer than mine his chest rising and falling as he was breathing. Oh how much I wanted to rest my head on him,his muscles were just too toned to ignore.

I mentally hit myself in the face for allowing such thoughts to cross my mind.I was supposed to hate him with my entire being not admire his body.It was with much of my remaining willpower that I kept myself from not staring.

'Why are you so hostile,you seem so frustrated at having me around.Believe me I don't want to be here,my mum practically forced me to come here and now that I am here I would like to make a friend I don't have many friends much less lady friends'

And now was the point I had to remove my eyes from the computer and look at him. I mean I was ultimately startled on this revelation not only did he not want to be here but also he didn't have lady friends,this guy looked like the kind girls would die for.He was just so hot.'

'Well I am sorry you dont have lady friends but I dont think I can help you besides I do not know you and how can you not have lady friends,you are just so beauti-' I cut myself off before I could finish my sentence instantly regretting what I had said

And as expected a smirk was on his face within his seconds

I knew he would react this way and that was why I tried not to say anything.

'Well I am not exactly a social person.I prefer to watch tv and sleep all day' he said it as if it was something to be proud of. Come on he was over 20 and he didn't have a job

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