Chapter 7

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It had been almost nineteen years since I left everything I had come to know as home behind. Ah,home seemed to be such a distant word now, I didn't even know what home was anymore. If it was this excuse for a life I had been living now, it definitely wasn't it.

I missed home so much.

Now I had a whole lot of responsibilities to take care of, although I would never get used to them, catching the bus to get to work as early as the first cockrow was heard, getting ready before anybody had even woken up, dealing with a whole lot of annoying people at work, come back home exhausted to find a tired and lonely looking Jane on the couch waiting to hold me in her arms.

Another thing I didn't quite get used to.

And of course there was Ronald, my nineteen year old son whom I still believed just popped up into my house, I was still surprised when he walked into the parlour presumably he was in his room as always.

He never left there.

Ronald had gotten quite tall and lanky which again was one of the reasons I doubted he was my son. I was not lanky, well I was tall but not just lanky and he had deep blue eyes again nothing like mine.

'Hello dad, how was work today?' his voice wasn't particularly deep like a man's own but at least it wasn't high

'Annoying,terrible, just like every other day' it was indeed terrible working at that damn establishment.

And then I had an idea, it would be fun to talk about something that made Ronald embarassed, I would have my fun now.

'Got yourself a girlfriend yet Ronald' I said coolly and trying with all my might not to laugh...Ronald couldn't have had a girlfriend if he was locked up in his room all day.

'What?!' he almost choked on his own spit, his face immediaty turning a light red.

'Oh I see' I said still trying terribly not to laugh

'Well there is this one girl I have been seeing online that has really caught my fancy' he said trying to explain.

'Really? Whats her name?' I said half hoping it would be Mrs Kent, the ninety year old woman who was our neighbor'

'Zara Lebron' he said.

The Truth About UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora