Chapter 1

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No one ever told me what to do with my life up until now I have my degree and I'm earning decent money.

I work as a fashion consultant at one of the highest paying fashion firms in London,have my own house which was overtly big in comparison to the rest houses in this neighborhood and a car. I was a model for many females around.

What else could a lady ask for?

'A man' my friend,Leah,said

Oh yeah,a man,I almost forgot I wasn't married yet.People had really started to bother me with this marriage thing and most of the time I just change the topic,marriage isn't something I'm ready for.

I managed to wipe off the scowl that was plastered on my face as soon as it came,it was almost outrageous I was doing very fine on my own,what did I need a man for?

'Yes baby, you need a man,a man that will take good care of you,a man that will love you even more than I love you,the man of your dreams' my mum said

I remember the times my dad would go on for hours lecturing me on believing in my self,not letting others influence my decisions and always standing out no matter what

I wish he was still here today to give mother some prudent advice on this.She definitely needs some words spoken to her

Well he was no longer alive for all that.

I've never been more disappointed in my mother up until now,I never expected her to say something like that,since when does your life become officially complete when you get married?

I really do not want to do this but the pressure is much.That doesnt mean I will actually give in.Come on,men are cheats,I didnt want to get feelings and heartbreaks mixed up in my life right now. It is the last thing I need.

'Zara' my mum said,pulling me away from whatever trance I was in

'Yes' I said sounding very annoyed.Really annoyed.

'Are you okay?'

'Mum,I don't need a man!I can do very well on my own' I screamed

'Come on baby,I know you are doing very well but you need a man in your life,or dont you want your mum to have grandkids'

Anytime my mum wanted to talk about marriage she would use the grandkids excuse and it really pissed me off.

'Mum we have had this discussion before and I already told you I am NOT ready for marriage now,I have a whole life ahead of me,many places to go and really many things to do'

'Zara,you will get married soon enough.'

The air around me thickened,the tension increasing to a point it couldn't be cut with the sharpest of knives.What did that statement mean? I will get married soon enough,a thousand questions ran through my head and I couldnt answer a single one of them.I just didn't want to confirm my fears just yet so I went to my room deciding I will sleep over it.


I woke up much to my displeasure to see a strange face in the living room chatting with my mum and my friend.A thousand thoughts ran through my mind;who could this be,of course attractive,tall,nice voice kind of people didnt just pop up in one's living room everyday.Especially my living room,no one comes here except from Leah and the guys that fix random things in the house,apart from them I usually wasnt expecting any visitors.

I have to find out who this is.

Before I could even get to ask my mum who this amazingly attractive guy who nearly took my breath away was my mum already spoke up with a wide grin on her face my mum said 'Zara this is your new friend who will be staying with us shortly'

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