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"Why don't you come out and meet everyone."

Getting out of the truck along side Rick and the others, you see a large clearing turned into a campsite. Tents, an RV parked up ahead, belongings strung out places. It reminded you slightly of the times you went camping with your boyfriend, but this place you could tell was made for more people.

You and Rick were introduced as the people who helped them make it out, but overwhelmed you did more watching then listening.

You watched as people reunited with their family; Andrea being hugged tightly by who you assumed to be her sister. Everyone was back with their loved ones, and you couldn't help but feel the sting of pain and longing as you wished it was you being reunited with your own love.

"Dad?" You hear a small child's voice, making you focus back and see Rick running towards a small boy and woman.

Crying and holding onto each other; his family who he had searched for.

You asked everyday for God to let that be you one of these days, but as time went on the hope began to stretch thin.

"Disorientated." Rick shares, as you sit beside a man you learned was named Dale. Gathered around a low burning fire, listening to him tell his story of how he woke up and how he made it back to his wife and son.

The night felt eerie to you, seeing the clear dark sky up above in a world that seemed to be like a ghost town. It was cooler than in the day time, feeling good on your sunburned skin.

"You have someone waiting for you?" Lori asks, making you focus back on the conversation happening around you.

"Uh," You pause, running a hand through your long and now greasy hair. "I guess you could say that, probably more like me waiting for him."

"My boyfriend and I, we were separated when this all started. We lived together and I went out to the drugstore while he went to work at the same time. When I heard the broadcast over the radio, I headed back to the house, and it was empty. I wanted so badly to stay, thinking he would show up. But I knew I had to leave."

Wiping the tear falling down your cheek away, you continue.

"I don't even know if he's alive, he doesn't know that I am alive. I think that's the hardest part, neither one of us knowing."

Andrea's hand reaches out and rests gently on your shoulder. Her way of consoling you without having to say a word.

"I thought my husband was dead," Lori says softly to you. "You'll find each other."

You send a small kind smile her way. Wanting with all your being to believe what she said, but every day without him only makes it feel less likely to be true.

"You should both get some rest." Dale says, refering to both you and Rick. But you know most everyone will turn in soon.

Dale leads you over to a small tent, one spaced farther away from the others. "You can sleep here for tonight."

He explains who usually inhabits it and why that aren't here tonight, but because of the physical and emotional toll of the day you don't really hear the words he says.

Thanking him, you bend down to enter the tent. Two sleeping bags are spread out, and there are dirty clothes, and random pieces of trash lying around. Usually, it would disgust you. Reminding you of the way the house you share with your boyfriend used to look like before you moved in.

But completely exhausted, you ignore it and lay down on top of one of the sleeping bags. Bringing the light blanket over your legs, you feel your eyes drooping but also a few tears slip out the sides. A nightly occurance, as you miss the presence of his arms wrapped around you in bed.

Maybe it was just your imagination or your exhastion causing your mind to feel things that weren't there. Maybe it was just how much you missed him, because the blanket wrapped around you and the pillow your head rested on smelled just like Daryl.

Waking up the next morning and exiting the tent, the hot beating sun is up and out early. Making you instantly miss the shade the night provided.

"Morning." Lori greets with a soft smile.

"Morning," You greet back. "I guess I slept later then I thought."

Looking around most people seem to be up and doing their part in chores or jobs around the camp.

"That's alright, it looked like you hadn't slept a night since this all started." Lori responds kindly, hanging up cleaned clothes on the clothes line.

"Would you like some help with that?" You ask her, receiving a nod and being handed some clothes to pin up.

You hear as you work, some of the men talking about two others in the group arriving back sometime today from a hunt.

You don't catch the names, but it makes you smile to yourself thinking back to how much Daryl loved going out into the woods near the house to hunt.

As you finish hanging the last pair of jeans on the line, you remember seeing clothes in the tent you stayed in last night. Deciding to grab them before joining some of the other woman going to do more washing of clothing.

Gathering up the stained and ripped clothes up off the floor, you hear voices outside. Opening the flap, and stepping out you look over to where the voices come from.

Spotting Rick, Shane, Glenn and Dale, you also spot two other men who weren't there last night. The men who were on the hunting trip you piece together. Holding the folded pile in your arms, one of the men turns and looks towards you.

At first, in the bright shine of the sun you can't make him out very well. But then as you take a second glace, you recognize him.

You at first wonder if what you're seeing is real, or if your lack of sleep and water is beginning to make you halluinate. But as he looks at you with the same expression of shock... You know it's real.

Dropping the clothes, you cover your mouth in shock as tears sting your eyes.

"Daryl?" You whisper, your voice cracking as you watch him walk over.

"Daryl?" You cry out this time, louder that makes him drop his string of squirrels and his crossbow on the ground, before running towards you.

Grabbing hold of you, he picks you up and squeezes you tight. As if you'll fade to dust in his hands if he doesn't.

You don't know how long you both stay that way, crying into his shoulder and his hand running soothingly through your hair to calm you. You don't care that others are watching, all that matters is the fact that Daryl is here. With you.

"I didn't know if you were dead or if I'd see you again." You whisper in his ear.

"I'm 'ere now." As short as his consoling is, you know it weighs so much more.

Set back down on the ground, you wipe your eyes. Spotting Merle over by the other men you wave, as much as there were time you couldn't stand Daryl's brother you were happy to see him alive.

Looking back to Daryl, who wouldn't let go of your hand, you smile up at him.

The world may be falling apart around the two of you and death was knocking on your doorstep everyday. But as long as you were with Daryl, you knew you'd have a home. No matter what the world threw at you.

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