Killing me softly

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It was the day of Summer Slam and let's just say you were not up for today. All you wanted to do was finish getring everyone glammed up, go to the hotel and sleep. But unfortunately, that couldn't happen.

Earlier that week you were assigned to do Finn Balor's make up and ensure he looked his best as always when coming out as the Demon King, but what everyone didn't know was the hate you had towards each other. Ever since you got onto the make up team for WWE, Finn has had these negative comments towards you and these looks that could kill, and I mean kill.

You were currently in your make up room, since you were good enough to have a probate room. You were getting your brushes ready and paint remover when you heard the door open. You glanced at your clock and you realized it was time for Finn to come in. You take in a deep breath and turn to face him. You realize he wasn't his usual self. He didn't give off this cold feeling he usually gives while he's around you. He walks in and takes a seat on the stool you brought out for him. You gulp and put your brush belt on. You turn on the music quietly and got behind Finn. You always liked him in the smallest way possible, but today, those feelings have grown a little.

"I'm going to begin now." You tell Finn. He just gives you a nod and you begin to paint his back. You always had a good eye for design so you knew what Finn would want. Only three colors today were going to be used. Red, white and black.

It usually takes people a while to do his back and front and face, but oddly enough for you, it wasn't that long. You finished up the last bit of make up on his face and step back to look at your masterpiece, or as you'd like to call, monster piece. You nod at Finn and turn to go wash your equipment. You hear the feet of the Demon king walk over to the mirrors you had in the room. He says a small 'thank you' and leaves in a hurry. You sigh quietly and continue to wash everything and prepare it for tomorrow's match.

You thought about Finn for a while. The way his body flinched so lightly when you touched it with your bare finger tips, the you had to get close to him and he would close his eyes and stop breathing just for a second. You didn't understand why he was acting like this. You didn't even know why he hated you so much. You had to know why. He was killing you in every way and you didn't want him too. You wanted him to like you, hell! Maybe even love you, but you knew it wouldn't happen.

You finished up in your room and put everything away nicely. You take a glance at the clock and see that it was almost the end of Summer Slam. Feeling more tired now, you grab your bag and head towards your door. You get a weird feeling in your stomach that you haven't felt before. You look around the room and see nothing out of the ordinary. 'Strange.' You think. You shrug your shoulders and open the door.

What you weren't expecting was to see the Demons piercing blue eyes meeting yours when you open the door. You gasped as your body almost collided with his as you were trying to walk out of the room. He was standing there, his paint job smudged, the colors mixing together almost making a burgundy grey color. He had his hands on the door frame, allowing his body to lean towards you. And those eyes. Those piercing blue eyes that you couldn't get enough of. You just stared back, not knowing what to do.

Finn pushed off gently so he was standing straight. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something. He walked into the room, causing you to move back into the room, the opposite way of where you wanted to go. Finn managed to kick the door shut, the door slamming in the process. His eyes never left your face though. He held your gaze till you gasped as your back hit the wall. You quickly looked away to see where you were but your gaze got pulled back to his when his hand forced you to look at him. Finn leaned down very close to you, your lips almost touching. His breath was minty but sort of harsh against your skin. You bit your lip and try to find something on his face to look at instead of this eyes, but sadly that didn't happen.

Finn placed his body so close to yours that the paint would probably appear on your clothes which you were not going to be happy about. You opened your mouth and said to him.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" He cocked his head to the side and smiled a bit.

His lips parted and you just wanted to know what he was going to say. He brought his lips close to yours again.

"Because." He paused. "You're killing me softly."

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