University isn't better. There is so much to do, the lectures might be interesting, I just can't pay a lot of attention to them and that is a huge problem when I am at home and have to write or learn something. 

Lucky for me that Lucas finally moved to LA! What a great day! I needed his advice, his succor, his presence to calm me down. I told him everything what had happened. 


What a wonderful city! I love LA and Mitch and I are enjoying every second of our life! I am so happy to be here! Especially to have my cupcake back! The last year without having Justine around all the time was horrible! She is my very best friend for such a long time and helped me through so much! Being able to see her and talk with her whenever I want is just amazing. But I imagined it more entertaining and funnier than it is. She is a bit grumpy and, hmm, just let me think about a good word. She is stupid! Yes, she is. 

Since she met Demi last January she always mentioned her in like every Skype or talk or mail. Demi here, Demi there, Demi this, Demi that. It was so obvious for us that she likes her more than a friend. But Justine was always such a blind chicken when it comes to things called love. She is such an expert in knowing people, but when God handed out the gift of feeling love, she was playing hide and seek, for sure. She didn't get any of this gift. Like her love radar is completely broken. Well I guess she never had one. And after all that Anna drama it got even more worse.

Justine told me about the balcony scene yesterday and now she is sitting on my couch crying in my chest.

L: "Cupcake, can you please stop crying? You mess up my shirt! And I really think you cried enough. Just stop it and be an adult!"  

J: "Excuse me? Where did you lose your politeness? First of all I don't like this shirt. There is spongebob on it. So don't tell me to be an adult, mister! And really? I want Demi back! I need her. Why can't we be friends anymore?"  

L: "I am super polite missy, but this crying thing doesn't work anymore. You are crying rivers and it doesn't make you feel better. So I think it is time to try something new. Friends? I don't think that you just want to be friends with her! Can you please admit that you are in love with her?"  
Justine sighs and looks at me. 

J: "I have Megan, Lucas! And what we have is wonderful. I..."   

L: "You never said that you are in love with Megan or love her. Never! And I think you know why. She is a lovely girl, honestly. She is caring and funny, you have a lot in common, but cupcake you don't love her like you love Demi. And it is time to admit that. I know that you are enjoying the time with Megan. But I, and you know that I would never lie to you, don't think that this has a future. She wants so much more than you want! This girl would marry you in a heartbeat, I am sure she would love to have kids with you some day, settle down. I don't think that you would like that with her. Just open your heart and think about it. Let those thoughts run through your cute head! I don't get it! Demi loves you, she opened up. You know what she wants and Justine, you stupid girl, you want the same! Why are you so afraid to take this chance?"


I don't know what to think. Lucas, Mister smart- aleck, is even as good as my dad when it comes to those speeches I don't want, but need to hear.

Was he really right? I am so confused. Why didn't she already tell me earlier? I don't want to hurt Megan. She is such a sweetheart. I really like her so much, she is a wonderful woman and I am enjoying what we are having a lot! I never told her, that I love her. That is right. She said it to me a few days ago and I just hugged her and told her that I am not ready yet. She seemed to be disappointed but respected it. 

And Anna hurt me so much 1,5 years ago. No one ever before did that to me and I really thought that she was the one to spend the rest of my life with! But she just left!

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