The Aftermath

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"My name is Terra, and I have done horrible things. I have sworn to serve a dark master. I have obeyed his every command and committed crimes in his name. I have betrayed and attacked everyone who used to be my friend. One by one, I have destroyed the Teen Titans. And with no one left to stop me, I have brought an entire city to its knees. My name is Terra. I have done horrible things. And I have no regrets."

That wasn't totally true. I hid my regret to appear strong. I had regrets. Regrets I found when I realized that they weren't dead. That scared, insecure girl left five years ago. It should have left earlier, when Beast Boy and I went to the carnival. That is something I deeply regret. Gar says not to dwell on it too much. The Titans and Jump City have forgiven me, and that's all that matters.

And the promise I made to never betray my friends again?

I haven't broken it.


Valentine's Day....

"Um, Terra?" He found me again. I shouldn't be surprised as I always go to the same place.

"Yes Beast Boy?" I asked. All of us are so grown up now. We aren't even the Teen Titans anymore. Everyone just calls us the Titans. Robin and Starfire are married, expecting a baby in about seven months. Cyborg has grown a beard, a shock to all of us, Raven's cloak is white, as she has gained more control over her emotions, and Beast Boy isn't such a boy anymore.

"I was wondering if you were ever gonna join the rest of us inside. Starfire wanted to watch a Valentine's Day movie," he shoved a hand in his pocket and ran a hand through his hair. All that remains of his battle with Slade is a small scar on his cheek.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," I said. I stood up and walked over to the door that led down into the New Titans Tower. Yup, that's what everyone calls it. It's a little taller, bigger, brighter, and its easier to communicate within the tower.

We get to Main Ops just as Frozen is starting.

"I didn't know that this was a Valentine's movie," I joked, slipping into the couch besides Cyborg.

He sighs comically, "It's not, but Star wanted to watch it," he said with a smile. Beast Boy slides in between me and Raven.

I can't help humming along to Love is an Open Door, it's a very fun song, despite that jerk, Hans.

Let It Go, My favorite song.

"That's so you," Beast Boy leans in and whispers to me, "You're just like Elsa, all you had to do was learn to love."

I'm a princess, I tried to hide the fact that I couldn't control my powers, I was totally tricked by a jerk, I would do anything for those I love, I guess I do have a lot in common with Elsa and Anna.

The movie ends with the reprise insturamental of Do You Want To Build A Snowman?, and then Demi Lovato's version of Let It Go.

"Now that the cheese is over with, who's ready for dinner?"

"Pizza?" Raven asked without looking up from her book.

"Yup!" Cy said proudly, and opened the fridge.

We ate. And ate and ate until there was only one slice left.

Cyborg stared at it intently.

"Wheel of Pizza!!" He and Beast Boy cried. I laughed. We may be adults now, but some things never change.

"And today's lucky winner is..." Beast Boy started a drumroll as Cyborg spun the slice.

"Terra!" Robin- or Nightwing as he now was known as -announced as I claimed my prize. We all lay back, comfortable to sit in the chairs for the rest of the night, but of course that would never happen.

"Well my fine, well-fed Titan friends," Beast Boy stood up and brushed off his pants, "Before we all slip off to dreamland, I have a special Valentine to present." He pulled out a guitar from behind the counter and began to strum. Cyborg pressed a button on his forearm, and accompanying music began to play.

The music was catchy, upbeat and fun to dance to. I found myself nodding along to the music. Then Beast Boy began to sing:

You can't fade away

The way I feel for you

There ain't no word that I can say

For what I'd do for you

And every single day I make it through this game called life

It's always filled with pain and strife

Reality will cut you like a knife, it ain't right

But with you by my side we will win this fight

In the battle of dark and light

Oh take my hand hold it tight

When we dance I feel alright

By your side is where I'll be

Endless love won't fade you'll see

When I walk you walk with me


together let the light shine

By your side is where I'll be

Endless love won't fade you'll see

When I walk you walk with me

Together let the light shine...


I was crying happily as he knelt down in front of me. Cyborg was grinning Nightwing was grinning like a madman and Starfire was overjoyed. Raven, my best friend, was smiling.

"Terra Markov, will you marry me?" Beast Boy asked.

What else could I say?

"Yes!" I cried, and threw myself into his arms.

"Glorious!" Star exclaimed.

"You get 'em Grass Stain!" Cyborg cheered. It was pretty clear that he had helped Gar orchestrate this whole thing. After all, they are best friends too.

"I promise you..." I whispered in Beast Boy's ear. It was going to be the biggest one I ever made, but I was going to make it work. We were going to make it work.

"I Promise...."

And there you have it! And I've finally finished a story on my own! (that's one less to worry about ;) I hope you all like it! I certainly had fun writing it! And yes, I DID USE THE SONG FROM TEEN TITANS GO!! I just so happen to love that song and even though I hate the series that particular episode was amazing.

~Peace, Love, and Titans!


"I Promise..." A Teen Titans BBxTerra story (Book One of Three)Where stories live. Discover now