The Past is Another Land

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“...Now let’s go see if the others need any-” Robin’s comment was cut off as Starfire shoved him aside and was hit by a flying boulder.

A boulder sent flying by me.

“STARFIRE!!!” His scream echoed in the valley surrounding us as the boulder knocked Starfire off the cliff and into the water below.

All I did was laugh-- LAUGH --and use my powers to take Cinderblock up and away with me. Returning to Slade.

Something wet wiped my cheek.

“Um...How about ew?” Raven asked as I blinked my eyes open. I had to laugh, Beast Boy was in dog form and licking my cheek. It tickled!

Robin knelt with a hand on my shoulder, Raven and Starfire hovered behind him, anxious to see how I was.

"Are you alright?" Robin asked, though I could tell from the tone of his voice that he already knew I was NOT alright.

"I'm fine," I fibbed badly. Beast Boy turned back into his human form as Robin and Raven  shared a look.

"Are you sure?" Raven pressed.

"Because we can always have Cyborg-"

"No!" I protested quickly. I was not ready to get hooked back up to another machine when I still had this one that could control my every move still attached.

I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, "I'm fine. I guess I'm just not used to being outside." I climbed to my feet with Beast Boy's help

"How about we just go inside and watch a movie then?" He suggested warily.

I breathed in and out again, "That might be a good idea," I agreed.

"I Promise..." A Teen Titans BBxTerra story (Book One of Three)Where stories live. Discover now