Getting Better?

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For two days I stayed in the medic wing as my friends took turns sitting with me.

Starfire brought her pet mutant moth, Silkie, and we dressed him up in some outfits Star had made for him. Raven brought some storybooks she’d thought I’d like, and read them to me. Cyborg and Robin sat with me too, but it was kind of awkward. Cyborg didn’t have anything he wanted to talk about, and Robin wanted to talk about something Raven had apparently told him not to.

Beast Boy brought me ice cream and tried to make me laugh, but the most I could manage without hurting myself was a giggle and a smile. That seemed enough for him.

After two days of being confined to the hospital bed, “Doctor” Cyborg said I could get up and walk around. The first thing Beast Boy did was take me back to my bedroom.

He put his arm around my shoulder and pointed at the ceiling, “Stars, because you like to sleep outside...” he reminded me with a choke in his voice.

“Beast Boy?” I asked him.

“I’m good, I’m good,” he promised and shook his head, as if to clear it, “Let’s go outside.”

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out after him.

We got out to the garden, and found Raven meditating by the waterfall, and Robin and Starfire planting some flowers.

“Watch closely,” Beast Boy said as he wiggled his ears. He disappeared from right beside me, and I whirled around to see where he went.

Even in her meditating trance, Raven chuckled at my foolishness, and I chided myself for being stupid. Beast Boy hadn’t disappeared, he had morphed into some sort of animal. Most likely one commonly found in gardens, so I kept my eyes peeled for green bugs.

I walked towards Robin and Starfire to see if they needed any help, but something stopped me. I clutched my head as a memory, a more painful one, came to mind.

"I Promise..." A Teen Titans BBxTerra story (Book One of Three)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat