"When's the date?" His face fell as I asked, and he began looking extremely worried, resuming fiddling with his fingers. "It's uh- it's tonight," he mumbled. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him, trying to snap him out of his nervous state. "You'll be fine. Just be yourself!" I assured him, finally letting him go and allowing him to recompose himself. Jacob nodded frantically, still shaken up and probably worried I'd grab him again.

"Have you decided what you're going to wear?" I asked, immediately regretting it as his frown grew. He shook his head and Bill let out a lengthy groan, flinging his head back, and I couldn't help but find it amusing how much he resembled a grumpy toddler who didn't get his way. I turned back to Jacob, "That's okay, we can just pick out something from here," I suggested. Jacob's face lit up immediately, and I found myself smiling along with him.

"Or I could just snap my fingers and he'd be wearing an outfit which would be so much-" I raised my finger to Bill's mouth, shushing him. His eyes peered down at my finger, which I had only just realised was only millimetres away from his lips, and I snapped it back, feeling my face flush slightly from embarrassment. "Don't be boring," I argued, and he sighed exasperatedly.

We all wandered off in different directions of the store in search of something suitable for him to wear. Their date was at a coffee shop, as Jacob had told me before we split up, so I was searching for something not too over the top, but also impressive.

As I looked through racks of clothes, I couldn't help but think about how strange the whole experience had been. I made a deal with Bill, making me his prisoner until he decided he no longer needed me and wanted the journals, which Dipper would have to give him in return for me (somehow I doubted he would give them up for me), and now here I was in a clothes shop not far from Gravity Falls. I thought if Bill caught me escaping, he would either kill me or punish me severely, but neither of those had happened. Maybe he's waiting...

Thinking of Dipper made my heart ache. Was he okay? Did he miss me? I wondered if he was searching for me and worrying about my whereabouts, but as much as I wanted to believe in my brother, I wasn't sure he was. It always felt as if I came second after those stupid journals, and I hated it. But Dipper had sacrificed a lot for me over the years too, and I couldn't forget that. Maybe I am important to him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jacob approached excitedly, waving a shirt around in his hand. "What do you think of this with a pair of jeans?" I glanced at the top he was holding out in front of me, a large grin plastered on his face. The shirt had a black galaxy pattern on it, and although I saw nothing wrong with it (I actually liked it), there was nothing outstanding about it either. But Jacob looked so proud I couldn't disappoint him, so I nodded enthusiastically, smiling back at him.

"Can we go now?" A familiar voice behind me startled me and I jumped back in surprise, my head snapping around to see Bill leaning against a counter. I glared at him, and he smirked back. I was shocked he was even asking me, why did my opinion matter at all? If he wanted, we could've left ages ago, but instead he let me take control of the deal, even letting me making all the decisions. I didn't understand where this all came from. He hated me, didn't he?

Bill raised an eyebrow at me, amused, and I realised I must have been staring. I innerly cursed myself and looked down, hating that my face was going red from embarrassment. "Yeah, we can go," I stated, as if my opinion made a difference, forgetting that it did seem to. Bill looked pleased with himself, "Well we'll be off now, enjoy your date, wear protection-" Jacob spluttered and hid his red face in his hands, "and remember our deal."

human ↠ mabillOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora