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oh boy, what now? 

hoseok gulped as he stared at the opening in the floor of the treehouse. a few pieces of paper coloured using various art supplies could be seen from his position, but no person.

he didn't know what to do now he's gotten this far up the tree. his will to make it up here was purely impulse and now he's in the position to find out who is in the treehouse and he's frozen stiff. his anxiety getting the best of him.

the singing was still going on though and now he was much, much closer, he doesn't want to disturb it, but the fact that the person is still singing means they don't know about hoseok's presence. that also means that when, if, hoseok lets himself be known, the person will get scared and may try to attack.

how can i do this so i have at least a 23% chance of surviving?

"ah..." he tried, his voice cracking.

maybe if he actually climbed through the hole before talking, that sounds like a better idea.

so, with shaky hands and trembling breaths tumbling from his lips, hoseok climbed through the hole.

paper and art supplies were strewn across the wooden flooring and they led up to the person who created the mess.

his eyes traveled the path the mess made and soon enough they landed on a person.

a person who was facing the other way.

great! they may end my life if i go about this the wrong way. think hoseok, think.

"h-hey? cool art, aye." yes, compliments always work on people that can potentially end your life.

no answer came, the person just continued singing and, what hoseok assumed, drawing.

sighing, hoseok bowed his head. shutting his eyes as he collected his thoughts, they fluttered open and fell onto a distinctive face that was painted.

me? what the fu-

looking around, he noticed several other papers and canvases with his face, each painted with different colours and had different textures. some were so realistic and some were abstract. there was plenty of variety, so many. but why?

"hey! what are you doing!?" a surprised voice startled hoseok, causing him to make an even bigger mess with the papers. the ones he picked up now flew around the treehouse, one even flying out of the window he didn't notice until then.

"i-i!" his voice got stuck in his throat as he realised who it was.

they both just stared at each other, eyes wide and mouths gaping.

"hyungwon! oh god, hyungwon." hoseok flung himself forward, arms open and tightly embracing the missing, but now found, person.

startled and a little confused, hyungwon lifted an arm up and wrapped it around hoseok, his other following soon after as he relished in the comforting feeling of the silver-haired boys hug.

"hyungwon you fuck nugget, i've been worried sick! where the fuck have you been?"

hyungwon snorted at the insult and pulled apart from the hug. he stared at hoseok's worried face and quickly realised the older boy was teary. he used his sweater sleeves to wipe away the tears as he explained himself.

"i've been here the whole time working on my art project. and i've also done a lot of thinking. sorry for not telling anyone, it's just, when i want to be alone, i like to really be alone." his voice was gentle and soft, just like his movements.

the explanation made hoseok's body sink into a more relaxed position. his legs curled under him.

a small smile made its way on his mouth as hyungwon removed his hands from the youngers face, it now being rid of tears.

"i thought it was me." he whispered. the words stinging hyungwon's heart as the others tone held such strong emotions. hurt mixed with sadness and heartbreak stunned the other as it was seen in hoseok's teary eyes.

"i'm so sorry, i really didn't run away because of you. my art teacher has been up my ass about how late my project is and when that all went down i was flooded with inspiration and i didn't want it to go away."

that last sentence made hoseok halt. was he the inspiration?

"what's your project on?" he tilted his head as he looked down to what the other was holding in his grip. another canvas with hoseok's face. it was painted with such detail, ever hair, every shadow and light was so precise and seemed so real, it was beautiful. the colour scheme was soft pinks and red, it had a golden hue, making it seem all the more ethereal. he had even added some dust particles that were seen through the light rays he had painted. it was absolutely stunning and to see that hyungwon of all people has painted him in such a delicate and lovely way made his heart pound and checks flair red.

"oh, uh-h um, well," hyungwon stumbled over his words as he avoided eye contact, the iris' turning grey with spots of white. his checks also flushed pink and he looked back down to the art he held. "we-we had to do it on an emotion."

he stopped explaining, leaving hoseok confused because; how could his face be an emotion?

hyungwon noticed the confusion painted on hoseok's face when he looked back up and quickly explained the rest of his project, eyes still switching through various colours, showcasing his nerves.

"and well, i chose annoyance," hoseok's face fell, "but that was when i first met you and you were well, annoying. and then i got to know you after a while and well, my feelings then changed from annoyance to confusion."

hoseok wasn't following and with every word hyungwon spoke he was the one confused.

hyungwon flushed red as he spoke the next sentence. eyes flashing a beautiful array of pinks mixed with rosey reds.

"and from confusion came friendship. friendship then became, well-you see," he stopped talking, trying to clear his throat as he shifted through his thoughts. he looked away from hoseok and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath he rushed out the next words in a flustered manner, glowing an even brighter shade of red.

"i may or may not have some really strong more-than-friendship feelings for you."



idk how I feel abt this chapter tbh
but here you gooo

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