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"dude, stop being so fucking salty, hoseok isn't that bad," is what came as kihyun's reply. as soon as that class ended and hyungwon had a break, he'd manage to run into his pink haired friend and grumpily told him about his flirty partner he was unfortunately paired with.

"me? salty?" hyungwon's face grew to one of shock.

kihyun just looked at him, his expression the answer to hyungwon's question.

"okay, well so what if i'm salty! he's the greasiest person i've ever known!" he tried, not exactly having much to say. all he really wanted to do was complain, he didn't expect kihyun to stick up for such a flirtatious annoyance.

"ah look, salt and grease. you two really go together. stop fucking complaining already, geez. just ask to switch partners," the pink-haired boy sassily put his hand on his hip, slightly glaring at hyungwon.

"oh my god, i never thought of that. oh wait, yes. yes i did. i swear he payed her to make sure i stayed partnered with him," he scoffed, stomping his right foot slightly. his action making him look childlike. kihyun's sassy demeanour softened at the action, and a small smile broke out on his face.

"well, what if i spoke to him for you? would that help anything?" kihyun offered, voice softer.

hyungwon's eyes lit up and he whooped, bringing kihyun into the short but tight hug, thanking him before he pulled away.

"oh god, you're a great friend. seriously,"

"of course i am. but i gotta go now if you want me to talk to hoseok before you bump into him again," kihyun walked away that fast hyungwon almost missed the stutter he spoke with or the pink that painted his cheeks.


lunch time rolled around after two more agonisingly loud lessons for hyungwon and the said boy found himself sat at the edge of the buildings rooftop.

although the yells and activities of the other students could be heard and seen, he paid no mind to them. he instead focused on the scenery past the fence surrounding the school. the trees stood tall, small flowers dotted the grassy patches between trees and houses, birds flew by chirping and the sky was painted with big puffy white clouds.

it was peaceful, something hyungwon very much loved and needed.

although in a trance from the beautiful view before him, his super sharp hearing picked up on another sound.


calculating the time quickly in his head, he predicted he'd have just enough time to hide himself behind a corner, along with some plants the garden club members have planted up there.

the footsteps drew closer just as he pressed himself up against the wall for extra cover, and soon enough the door opened.

the sounds followed a somber sigh, the person seemed sad and to prove hyungwon's theory, the persons foot steps sounded heavy as they made their way over to the ledge.

"fucking hell, hoseok," was mumbled angrily.

hyungwon's eyes shot open in surprise and the boys name fell from his lips in a silent whisper. what is hoseok doing up here? he wondered. not many people ever made their way up here. most figured it was out of bounds and others didn't even know there was roof top access. hyungwon was one of the lucky ones to know about it, unfortunately, hoseok also seems to be one of those few who know.

some rustling was heard over in hoseok's direction and curiosity took over the chestnut haired boy. peeking out from around the corner, he saw hoseok tugging roughly at his hair in irritation. no words were coming out of his mouth but he seemed to be cursing himself or someone else, hyungwon didn't know nor really care to find out. well, that and also hoseok was a little too far away for hyungwon to read his lips.

the boy has super sharp hearing not super sharp eyesight.

a short yell was the heard and heavy breathing followed soon after.

what the actual-

"why am i such a fuck up? huh? hoseok? can't you do anything right? you can't even talk to someone normally! fuck this," hoseok continued, kicking the railing as well. he stumbled back slightly, obvious he had hurt himself and with the way he gritted his teeth and another roll of swears tumbled from his lips.

by this point hyungwon's confusion turned into curiosity and a little bit of concern. hoseok seems to be really angry at himself, it's actually making hyungwon wish he wasn't so rude towards him.

hoseok started pacing so the hidden boy crouched down for better camouflage behind a big potted plant and listened intently.

"ugh, you can't say one nice thing without coming off as a damn fuck boy. why am i actually like this?" the mumbles started coming out hurriedly and hoseok started to sound as if he were about to cry.

the words had hyungwon halting slightly.

is he talking about me? did kihyun talk to him?

to confirm the hidden boys suspicion the next thing hoseok mumbled made it all clear.

"fucking hyungwon being all cool and shit causing me to be all fucking stupid and shit. and fucking kihyun telling me! why did he have to tell me?" hoseok sounded so defeated and miserable as he muttered angrily to himself. it almost made hyungwon feel bad for him.

as hoseok continued kicking the ground and angrily grumbling to himself, the bell eventually rang and he sniffed, evidently crying, he also laughed at how ridiculous he felt. he spent all lunch crying and talking to himself.

hoseok left after furiously wiping his eyes and hyungwon soon followed after.

he also felt disappointed as he had spent all of his lunch listening to someone cry and talk to themselves.

as he walked the halls to his next class, his mind was replaying what he heard and he hoped that next time he bumped into hoseok it wouldn't be as bad as the first time.


this book has that much swearing that it alone is gonna send me to hell.

:~} please vote and comment bc i thrive off love and compliments :~~~}}

p.s yes this chapter is shorter but i was running out of ideas so lol. i promise next chapter will be a lil longer (((:

p.p.s mERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAr! I hope everyone stays happy and healthy and smiles and has a great time. I hope next year is lit af for you all 🎉💖

Be Quiet ☾hyungwonhoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant