Sunset, can I talk to you?

Começar do início

She smiled a big grin, which made my heart warm and butterflies in my stomach, 'huh, maybe I am starting to like Twilight after all. I know I said I'm fine with it last time but....I don't know. I don't want to get rejected or hurt. I'll just stay quiet and hope it goes away. for mine and Twilight's sake.' I smile and I get up starting the movies. " You can sit next to me like you did last time if you want." She nodded and sat next to me like last time and wasn't as scared as last time but still scared. It was cute though, but in a friend way!

A few hours went by and Twilight had fallen asleep in my lap. I couldn't help but smile at that and leaned down kissing her cheek and gently moved her off me and laid her back down and turned the T.V. off and went to do some homework for my last year in high school. "I should decide what I'm gonna do soon. If I stay I'll have to apply for colleges, but if I go back home I'll have to learn all over again but that sounds better than what I've been having to do." I sat there staring at the finished papers in front of me and sighed, "I also have the girls here too. And they want to go to college together. Even with me. Guess I should be lucky though, after how I treated them and from what happened at the fall formal."

"I think that's why they want you to go with them if you do stay here."

I jumped and turned around to see a slightly sleepy Twilight which was really cute. "What do you mean?" 

She walked over and sat next to me and placed a hand over mine and smiled, "You could back home with me and learn from scratch about magic by me, or you can stay here were you're friends and family are. I know you have family in Equestria also but these girls have helped you from the fall formal to now. They've turned you into a great person Sunset. They might want you to go with them because they've seen how much you've changed and how important they are to you."

"But I've been away from Equestria since I was a filly. I can barely walk on four legs and I can't use magic like I use to. But I also don't to stay here forever. And plus, there's someone back in Equestria that I want to be with for a long time. I miss them so much."

"And I'm sure they miss you too. It's your choice Sunset. But whatever you choose. I know and so do the girls that your making a choice to help with who you want to be." She got up and started walking off, "Oh, and.." She leaned down and kissed my cheek and winked, "Thought I'd returned the favor." I was frozen in place and speechless. She giggled and walked out of the room while I sat there trying to register what just happened in my mind. "S...she kissed my cheek." I lift my hand to my cheek and smiled a little and stood up turning the light off and walked to my room. "Hey Twilight, you ready to talk about what you wanted to tell me?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I am but um can we sit down first?" I nod and sit down on my bed and look at her as she sits next to me. "Well you see.." She looked nervous and scared. I was about to reassure her but before I could say or do anything, she kissed me.

I Froze. In my head I was screaming from happiness and excitement. My stomach felt like it was filled with thousands of butterflies and my heart was basically melting into my stomach. I kissed Twilight back and a few seconds later she broke the kiss and looked at me, both of us blushing like crazy. " Um, that was-" "I like you Sunset. A lot. And not just as a friend either. I was scared and not sure how to say it and I didn't know what to do so I...kissed you."

I giggle from Twilight panicking sorta and brought her face close to mine and kissed her. "Thought I'd return the favor." She giggled and hugged me, nuzzling into my neck. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her still blushing madly. "Twilight, lets get some sleep. We can talk about this in the morning." 

Twilight nodded and laid down. Right as I was about to do the same my phone went off with an unknown number, "Huh?" I grabbed my phone and press the answer button, "Hello?"


This one was a little long because of th introduction before this. Hope you liked it and I wonder who called Sunset. Sunset and Twilight, out!

Sunset: That was a lot of confessing to do Midnight.

Midnight: Well I wanted to get you two together before the rest happened. Wanted Twilight to be your knight in shinnying armor.

Twilight: Someone mention my brother?

Midnight and Sunset: No. *looks at each other and dies of laughter*

Sunset: Well this was actually an interesting chapter Midnight. Can't wait for the next on.

Midnight: Honestly same. I might do it later on.

Twilight: I want to see where this story takes us so please do.

Sunset: I agree with Twilight.

Midnight: You agree with her because you love her!

Sunset: Midnight! I'm gonna kill you for that!

Midnight: Welp gotta run. Have fun with her Twilight.  

Twilight: *Giggles*

Sunset: Get back here!

Home in two eyes and a soulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora