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"I cannot beileve you didnt get his number!" My best friend Jenna said in absolute disbelief. Jenna had always been the dramatic type. This time she was going on about how I didnt get the guy working the pretzel stand's number. To be quite honest, he was ugly. He had huge zits all over his face and greasy hair. Jenna thought he was cute and was convinced he was flirting with me.

"That guy was at least 20! He was ugly too. Jen, if you want him,you can have him!"

"What do you MEAN!! Anna you know he was hot! Maybe I can come back tomorrow and try to snag him..." While Jenna might say she would go out with other wolves, her and I both knew that she wouldnt even hug her cousin for fear of angering her future mate. While she babbled on about the guy at the mall, we neared a public bathroom/provided clothing area, this one was quite large with a small flight of stairs leading up to the entrance. We were about to pass by when Jenna stopped,

"I have to use the bathroom real quick, wait for me here?" She asked. That girl had the bladder of a hamster. I nodded my head and she slowly strolled up the steps in her 3 inch heels. Ugh, I hated those things, you cant go anywhere!

In most packs you would find some sort of changing walls whether it be in bathrooms, resturants, or even shops. People would hang up old clothes on racks along the walls for the wolves that just shifted. Apparently there were too many naked people just walking down the street, scarring people for life.

Unfortunatly,  I doubted that there would be any clothing small enough for my 14 year old stick thin body. As Jen was in the bathroom I began to look around and let my mind wonder. For some odd reason the thought of having a mate popped in my head. Weird, I never really thought about what it was like to have a mate.

You supposedly can find your mate at any point in your life, it doesnt always start out as romance though. If you find your mate at a young age (which is very rare) it starts out a best friend relationship, then crush, after that comes the eventual mate and mark thing.

Being marked was always a strange thought to me. It sounds quite gross. I mean, biting into your girlfriends neck was never a big turn on for me. Normally, mates was the last thing on my mind... strange.

I was suddenly ripped out of my own thoughts when the most intoxicating scent drifted through the air. The smell of fresh rain and lavendar was overloading my senses and tbe only thought my mind could comprihend was, Mate.

My legs started to move on there own accord leading me up the stairs and towards the womens bathroom. With each step I took the scent got stronger and stronger. By the time my mind could regain control we were less than a breath away. I almost recognized him immeditly, he was the betas second son, Adam Rickter, he was at least 3 years older than me, but to me that didnt matter. We had met only a couple times and never had I thought that he would be my mate. My wolf purred at the thought of standing by his side.

His ocean blue eyes met my dark hazel ones and I watched in horror as he took on a gaze of pure disgust.

"Get away from me..." he snarled. This wasnt supposed to happen! He was suppossed to love me! This had to be a mistake...

"But, your my mate" I whined. I knew I sounded desperate but at the moment I didnt care. He was my mate, but he was looking at me like I was garbage on the side of the street. No, this cant be right.

He laughed, he laughed this was all just a joke, as if I meant nothing. Only moments after deciding I wasnt worth his time did he push me to the ground. I was too numb to realize what was about to happen. As he knealed over me I prayed to the Moon Goodess that she must have made a mistake.

"You listen here, you pathetic she-wolf, you are nor never were my mate, you hear me. You mean nothing." Every word was like a sharp knife to my heart. Killing me ever so slowly.

"I, Adam Rickter, reject you, Anna Smith as my mate" he spat out with an anger I never imagined. All I could feel was an overwhelming sense of drowning sadness, then anger, then nothing at all.

Just as he stood up a girl came out of the bathroom. I had almost forgotten where we were. In her purple heeled mini-skirt wearing glory she walked, more like  sashayed over to Adam and lazily warpped her arm around his neck. I suddenly rembered that he had a girlfriend, Nikki was her name. This must be her. My wolf snarled, she felt a burning hatred towrd Nikki already.

Shes touching whats mine

"Who is this Adam?" She asked in a fake sing-song voice. I had no doubt in my mind she knew damn well who I was, at least I think she figured it out. Her words were laced with venom and she knew she had won. My wolf knew that she was being challenged.

Ill rip her throat out

I snarled, how dare she! That is my mate! I lunged, throwing everything I had (which was not much at this point) at her. We both fell to the ground in a tangle of hair fangs and claws. Before a could land a lethal blow i was forcefully yanked backwards, I hit the pavement with a thud. Adam was furious.

"You DARE to disrespect my mate! You  have by challenging her, are now challenging me. Anna Smith DO YOU CHALLENGE ME??" His anger escalated with every word. Its basic knowledge that if you challenge someone of higher power, its a fight to the death. But my wolf wasnt done yet.

"You. Are. MY. Mate" I almost practicly screamed. At this point my wolf had taken full control and i could only watch as she potentially destroyed our lives.

"NO I AM NOT." He now was mere inches away, " Your crimes are worth of banishment she-wolf. So, that is the punishment you will recieve!" He then stomped over to Nikki. Picked her her up in his arms and walked away like nothing ever happened.

Jenna soon found me mere minutes later huddled on the cold cement whining like a pup over her lost mate.

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