Flashbacks [HeeMin / SiChul / SiChulMin]

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Heechul was on his way to school when a motorbike suddenly blocked his way. He instantly recognized the rider’s uniform because it is exactly the same as his own, which meant that they attend at the same school. He couldn’t remember anyone owning a really cool motorbike at school though.

The rider took off his helmet and revealed a half-blonde, half-shaved hair. Heechul could see some tattoo on the neck and a dangling cross at one ear. “I believe I have something you own.” The rider’s fist was going straight at Heechul’s face.

Heechul closed his eyes but after a few seconds, the expected punch didn’t came. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the fist was near his face. There was something hanging from the fist. “It’s my locket.” He stared in shock as he recognized the thing.

The rider stepped closer to Heechul and placed the locket around Heechul’s neck. “You look so much prettier with it.”

“I’m a guy, ya know.” Heechul said as he flipped his hair to get it out from the necklace.

“I know but you’re pretty for a guy. Since we’re going to the same school, want to hitch a ride?”

“No, thanks. I don’t hang out with troublemakers.”

The rider simply raised an eyebrow. “Suit yourself.” He put on his helmet and left on his motorbike leaving a trail of smoke behind.

Heechul coughed and waved his hand to move the smoke away from his face. He watched silently as the rider was slowly moving out of his sight. He placed a hand on his locket as he was reminded of the past.


A tall, handsome, black haired guy was walking his way to school when a cool sports car slowed down beside him and moved at his pace. The window slid down to reveal a red haired Heechul. He had his necktie and two top buttons undone to show off his black collar around his neck. “Hey, looks like we’re schoolmates. Want to hitch a ride?”

The handsome guy only took a quick glance at Heechul. “No, thanks. I don’t hang out with people like you.”

Heechul raised an eyebrow. “Stuck-up.” The window closed again. The car moved fast leaving a trail of smoke for the unknown guy to inhale.

~*~*~*~END OF FLASHBACK~*~*~

Heechul took a good look at his locket. He thought he had lost it for sure but now, it has returned. He opened it to reveal his own picture at one side and the picture of the handsome guy on the other side. “The guy that returned you reminds me too of my old self. I really don’t want to get involved with that guy but I should thank him for returning you to me.” He placed a kiss on the picture and closed it the locket.

Later at school…

It was around lunchtime that Heechul decided to visit the 1st floor of the school building, where the 1st year classrooms are located. He was going to look for the rider he met earlier and say his thanks by offering lunch and perhaps a tour around school then they shall go to their separate ways.

It wasn’t hard to look for the rider. How many blondes could there be in the school? He immediately spotted the half blonde, half shaved hair at the hallway. The rider was currently standing with his arms stretched and his hands holding each a bucket of water at the sides. The rider didn’t noticed Heechul because he was too busy glaring at the floor.

“Mr. Kim, why is he being punished?” Heechul asked the teacher, who was simply hanging out inside the classroom because that would mean a prolonged punishment on the rider’s part. The rider looked up at Heechul and the teacher when he heard what Heechul said.

“You, Heechul, out of all people should know why he is being punished. Just take a look at him. You used to look like that.”

“Not really. I had a red hair, not blonde.”

“Whatever.” Mr. Kim rolled his eyes.

“Come on. You had that kind of experienced too. Can you be a bit more considerate to him?”

“It’s not only because of his appearance. He came in late, slept during my pop quiz and even had the guts to throw a paper ball at my back during the discussion!!!” Mr. Kim glared at the blonde, who glared right back at him.

Heechul laughed. “Now you know how the teachers felt when YOU used to do that.”

Mr. Kim pouted, which only made Heechul laugh some more. “Fine, I’m letting him go for now.” He looked at the blonde. “You should thank your hyung. If it weren’t for him, you could have just simply stood there with those buckets entire lunch.” With that, Mr. Kim left the classroom.

The blonde immediately placed the buckets on the floor. “Damnit…my arms hurt…” He was surprise when he felt warm hands on his left arm. It was massaged for a few minutes then his right arm was given the same treatment. “Ah, that felt good.”

“You have girly hands.” Heechul commented as he inspected the blonde’s hand.

“No, I don’t!” The blonde defended himself as he tried to snatch his hand away but Heechul only held it tighter.


Heechul was slicing some vegetables during Home Economics class when he accidentally slashed his finger. “Ow!” He dropped the knife but before he could attend on his finger, someone else took care of it.

“It’s bleeding!” The tall, handsome guy grabbed Heechul’s hand and placed it under the warm water from the faucet. “Luckily, it’s not a deep cut.”

After a moment of silence… “Uh...can I have my hand back now?” Heechul asked.

“You have girly hands.”

“What?!?!” Heechul was about to move away but the guy gripped on the hand tighter.

~*~*~*~*~END OF FLASHBACK~*~*~*~*

“Uh…can I have my hand back now?”

Heechul instantly released the hand. “Sorry.” He instantly left the classroom. If he would stay there a bit longer, he might not be able to stop himself from kissing the blonde’s hand like what the guy in the past did. He opened the locket and stared at the guy’s picture. “Siwon, is this how you felt when you faced me in the past?”

End of Chapter 1

To be continued…

A/N:  Comments please?  By the way, my fics are unedited so forgive for wrong grammars and typos X_X

Flashbacks [HeeMin / SiChul / SiChulMin]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin