The Second Month

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Two Months After Justin Disappeared:

Tony POV:

At the moment Tony just wanted to go back to his tower and get so drunk that he would only wake up when Justin was home, but instead he was getting ready for a press conference.

Someone, Tony didn't know or care who, had convinced Pepper to do a press conference. Apparently it was supposed to get the attention of whoever had his son.

He would do anything at this point, anything, and he was prepared to tell everyone the second he was in front of everyone. It didn't matter what their request was, money, weapons, or technology, all they had to do was name it.

Through out the time Justin was gone, Tony's mind had kept wandering back to his time in that cave with Yinsen. Tony didn't know what he would do if his son was in a situation like that.

Tony shook himself out of his stupor and walked out in front of the sea of reporters waiting for him.


As Tony was being escorted out of the building when he heard someone behind him call out his name.

"Mr. Stark! Wait, Mr. Stark! Just one question, please!"

It was a blond reporter, she was running as fast as she could to catch up with him. Tony signaled to his bodyguards to wait.

"Alright, what's the question?"

She pressed the button on her recorder and raised it uncomfortably close to Tony's face before speaking, "Mr. Stark, has it occurred to you that your son, Justin, was not kidnapped?"

"W-wait, what? What does that mean?"

"Have you considered the fact that Justin could have left on his own accord? Or ran away?" The woman repeated.

"I- Wha- N-No-" Tony cleared his throat, "Not possible."

Tony climbed in his car before the reporter could say anything more.

As the car started off towards his tower, he contemplated the lady's question.

One thing was clear though, for sure: He was going to need more alcohol.

Four Months and Eight Weeks for Justin:

Justin POV:

Justin knew that when, or if, he returned to his earth, a little time would have passed to everyone else. But to him, he had already begun to get homesick a few months ago and, at the moment, all he could do was wallow in his self-pity.

Thankfully his pity-party was interrupted by Sara Lance, The White Canary, "Get up."

"Hmm? Why?" He didn't bother trying to argue with her.

"I'm going to teach you how to fight." She tapped the fabricator to make a few weapons and while she grabbed them he heard her mutter, " League of Assassins style."

Justin jumped out of his seat in anticipation, "I'll meet you in the Cargo Bay!" He yelled before running off down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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