Staring at the door through which Aquila had just exited. Nevil smiled. And returned to his work.

The new robot, Harvey -- Aquila named it -- was absolutely brand new, everything about the robot was a clean slate. Though there were some obvious advantages to Harvey, as it was a significantly newer model than Aquila. One interesting trait was gender programming, meaning that Harvey was a 'he' -- hence the masculine name.

When the robot had been significantly brought up to speed, as Aquila's charge, Harvey asked to meet Nevil. Accompanied by Aquila, they went up to Nevil's 'Office'; though no work was ever done there; they found Nevil reading, he'd amassed a gigantic collection of books raiding libraries. He inserted a bookmark and dropped the book on his mahogany desk -- with gold trim too, in fact, everything in the room was richly decorated. luxuries were easy to get access to when everyone else was dead! --  he stood up, and came forward to meet Harvey, his hand outstretched.

Harvey took Nevil's hand and shook it, something Aquila had taken a while to understand, Harvey understood immediately. "Very good to meet you, Captain." He said. "Your loyal robot here, Aquila, has told me much about the circumstances that we exist. I was created to serve humans, and with everyone dead except yourself, you are my master."

Nevil examined the robot thoroughly. He was nearly indistinguishable from a human being. Evidently, there had been improvements in technology since he'd left Earth. "How did they make you so humanoid?" He asked.

Harvey suddenly transformed, he dropped the facade of the human form. He looked like Aquila. "Holograms," he answered, "each of my Catoms contains a tiny holographic generator. Altogether, I can generate a convincing simulation of a human form."


"Robots -- when I was built -- were household items. Butlers, maids, cooks, nannies ... sexual partners."

"I see."

Harvey resumed his human form, "Once we found our way to the private sector, it was quickly realized that humaniform robots would be popular. Attempts at using synthetic flesh failed miserably, holograms were a good substitute."

"It's extremely realistic," Nevil remarked, gently running his fingers through the neatly trimmed mustache he'd allowed to grow. "There is a lot of detail to your hair--" Nevil hesitated for a moment before asking, "Can I touch it?"

Harvey was momentarily startled by the nature of the question but quickly consented after a pause. Nevil reached out and ran his fingers through the robot's curly black locks, Harvey explained the nature of this, "In terms of basic physical traits such as hair, my body shapes itself to match the holographic projection."

"Fascinating" Nevil mumbled under his breath. "Do you have any set purpose?" He asked, "Or are you capable of doing anything I ask."

Harvey shook his head horizontally, "It doesn't work that way, we're all all-purpose robots, We can do any task assigned us."

Nevil decided that this conversation had gone on long enough. He patted Harvey's shoulder and said, "Well, I think you'll pass. I'll keep you in my service for a few days before I decide whether or not to use the other robots. But I'm confident you'll exceed expectations." He shook hands with the robot and bade him farewell.

After Harvey left, Nevil was alone with Aquila.

Holding the book in his hands, Nevil asked, "Aquila, what did you think of that? A robot with a gender?"

"I think it's a reasonable idea, sir." Was the prompt reply, "humans subconsciously judge others by gender, even if they honestly believe they are unbiased; basic psychology. But as a robot, I see little point in a military robot like myself having a gender. Harvey is a private robot, intended for the household, I'm not."

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