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I look her in her eyes, her eyes as blue as tanzanite. I start to weep and she holds me. Then a picture flashes horribly into my head. Staring for what seems to be hours calms me. We carefully walk though the house unknowing what to expect. As we walk I go down the stairs first. She walks behind me and we get outside, and hustle to the safe house.

When we get there the doctor (Fredrick) had a mutated beast locked up inside a room with windows looking into it. We see a beast with wings and a dog looking figure. It's demented wings torn and broken looking like a thing you would see dead on the side of the road.

The beast starts scrambling around the small indented room, faster and faster every time. As the speed picks up we hear a small click. Then bam the beast escapes and breaks the chain it is being held on to. It breaks the door down and starts breaking everything is sight. It smashes glass and the last of our supplies.

We scurry out of the room and shut it behind us. We run and run further until we know where safe. Fredrick screams and gets attacked as we run. The beast tears his spine directly out of his back. Blood spewing every which way and he collapses to the ground, with one last dying breath he whispers run.

Jess and I running as the beast gets closer and closer.

I grab the nearest thing I could use to defend us, and I grab a fire extinguisher and bash it's skull in and kill it. We are safe I tell her and we hide inside a room. Scared Jess cries and starts to break down. I hold her until the sun glistens through the building. As Jess and I lay their huddled up leaning agents the far corner we don't say a word but we know what both of us are thinking.

She stares at me but her eyes show her emotion. I mutter out a quiet scratchy noise.

" We. We can survive. We WILL survive, no matter what."

She looks at me with dust and dry blood shining off her sad emotionless face. I feel sorry for this girl and hold her tighter. She starts to cry and wail as I hold her I see a image of a sad girl in a cage. She looks so lonely as if darkness shadowing over her. It looks like she wanted a friend. A stuffed bear that is ripped and torn looking raggedy and left to decompose is holding a key.

As the vision continues the girl wails the words

"Al let me out ! I didn't do that to you! Al! "

The girl starts to cry and then curls up into a ball. A chain hooked up to her leg weighing her down swings and sways every which way. Clink click every second as her leg moves back and forth. She starts to cry and the vision fades.

I wonder who the small weak and frail girl was. She appears in my head now every day. Wonder how my sanity is going to end up.

Jess and I finally remove the barrier we made at the door. We carefully walk through trying to make sure we don't alarm any other creatures we could find.

Mine and Jesses days seem to be coming to an end. Jess stares at me with her blue eyes. She reaches into her pocket and hands me a small metal locket. It looks like a wrist locket that is an old collectible. I pop it open and see a black and white picture of a little girl and a man.

I ask who it is and she says it's her and Fredrick. She tells me how the infection has been going on for a wile now and that she isn't sure how I survived. I ask why she gave me the locket and she said it's because I'm part of her new formed family.

I smile and stuff the locket into my shorts pocket. As we walk through the old corridor like a couple of shadows trying to blend in and hide we walk quiet and ready. We hear a door open And we slowly creep around the corner and look.

The same group of men we had seen in the house before are right there in front of us. They walkto the chamber that the beast had killed Fredrick. Jess and I start to creep closer until one of the group members walk out.

"I know your there, if your a survivor then come out. I will shoot if you don't. " says the man.

Jess stands up about five feet from where I am. She looks at the man and he walks over to her. He feels her pockets and pants pockets to make sure she isn't armed.

He turns away then next thing I know the weapon

Hung over his shoulder and jabs in to her head. She collapses instantly and doesn't move . My body gets fueled with emotion and I know I have to save her.

He grabs her wrist and drags her into the room that Fredrick was killed inside. I pull my shirt off and walk over to the door. I grab some of the debris off the floor and throw in down the hall. A man walks out of the door and looks to where I threw the trash.

I choke him with my shirt and he passes out. I grab the hand gun off his belt and check the ammo. It has two bullets left and I pray it's enough to finish the job. I put my shirt on and carefully enter the room.

Gun pointed to where I stare I walk I to the room inch by inch. I see the man that the group called snake, eating a devil dog. I aim the gun at his head and say ,

" Hey chubby I saw you kill that man. In the house down the road. Give me back Jess and I won't kill you. "

He starts to laugh like a maniac and says in his high pitched voice

" Why boy you don't think it's that easy do you?"

his eye shines and he stares at me sinisterly. I feel a bug crawl up my leg and I brush it off. The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out Beatles. He throws them at me and I jump away.

I shoot him in the head but as the bullet impact him Beatles fly out of his head, I stare in disbelief. The Beatles climb back up to him and form his face once again.

He chuckles and says

" Boy you can't kill the undead like darkness in light. Their will always be a dark era in the brightest of times. You can't destroy me nor can you slay me."

I think about what he just said. Then I say

" Although times get dark, their will always be light. I will find a way to keep my days bright no matter how dark. "

The mans figure collapses in to a pile of beetles . The Beatles scatter In every direction. I run over to a door and open it up. I open the door and see Jess dead inside the room. Her body lay lifeless and not moving. Jesses blood still wet still dripping off her head. I collapse and start to weep. I hear the chubby mans voice once more and it's singing a song

"Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack

She's dressed in black black black

she has a knife knife knife

Stuck in her back back back

She cannot breathe breathe breathe

She cannot cry cry cry

That's why she begs begs begs

She begs to die die die"

I stand in horror staring at a hunk of meat that used to be Jess and everything around me starts to mold in to different things. I feel so alone and don't know what I should do. My only friend was dead, or at least the closest thing I had to one. Thoughts flood through my mind ,from suicide, to it being a part of life.

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