Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Do Re Mi Don't fucking care!

Around five hours into the drive the little pup that I call Nicolo starts to get restless. I sigh having mom stop at the next gas station.

When we stop I let him out and he automatically runs to the woods running away. I feel a sting of pain in my chest but ignore it and go into the gas station.

"What ever he probably went to his mom." I huff pouting at the missing cute little pup.

I get a can of Pringles and a NOS also paying for gas while I'm inside. I grumble to mom how I should be driving now.

I pump the gas and wait impatiently, "So ma is Justin gonna be there?" I ask not able to contain the excitement of seeing my cousin.

She smiles "Yes he said to drive safe cause he wants to see your beautiful face not scarred." I smirk "Awe really?" I ask getting my phone out she nods I dial Justin's number "Hey Justiee." I squeal I hear him groan on the other side "Did your mom say I wanted to see your beautiful face again?" he asks.

I giggle and finish pumping the gas. "Yes deary, she also said that you wanted me to drive safe" I fake sniffle "My little Justiee wants me to stay safe." I fake sob getting into the drivers seat making mom glare at me I smirk and shrug my shoulders.

"Now now Justiee I know you miss me but you can't say things like that." I continue trying to rile him up he huffs "Yeah yeah just hurry up and get here DEARY." he says in a fake sweet voice

"Ok Love you, see you soon." I reply before ending the call.

My mom tries to hold in a giggle but it escapes her "Mom, he said he can't wait to see us." I say while laughing.

The pup runs out of the woods to the truck I sigh. "He can't leave then come back, mom don't open that damn door." I growl

"Sweety we can't leave him here." she says softly I groan and open my door getting out.

"Nicolo." I say sternly "Get over here." he slowly pops out from under the truck his tail tucked and his ears flat. "Now, you can't just run off like that mister. You have to stay near me or I will leave you here next time because I know your mommy is near." I growl

He does a weak growl back then whimpers slowly moving towards me. I smile softly "Come here buddy." I say softly matching my smile. His ears perk up and his tail wags slowly, unsure.

I hold my arms out and he jumps into them I put him in the back seat petting his head softly and starting my baby up.

I plug the aux cord into my phone and start some music up. I smile automatically when I hear the beat to my new favorite song.

"Yeah, if I could go back to that day we met I probably would just stay in bed.
You run your mouth all over town, and this one goes out to the sound. Of breaking glass on my range rover.
Pay me back or bitch it's over.
All the presents I would send.
Fuck my friends behind my shoulder.
Next time Imma stay asleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep, uh.
And you got me thinkin latelyyy
Bitch you crazy.
And nothins ever good enough
I wrote a little song for ya' it go like.
Do re mi fa so fucking done with you girll.
So fucking done with all the games you play I aint no tic tac toee.
Send the X and O's on another note Im.
Do re mi fa so fucking done with you girrlll.
So send the X and O's on another note Im Ghost."

I start singing soulfully but I hear a whimper. "Awe its okay sweety I can change the song." I get a small bark in return and I change it.

I sing to all the songs that play and nine more hours pass only two more to go. I yawn and look over to my sleeping mom. I smile and stop at the stop sign.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" I ask Nicolo he nods and I smirk "Okay were close to a gas station, so you can go there okay? And if you leave my sight I am not gonna let you back in the truck." I threaten making him whimper I smirk because it was just an empty threat but it'll do.

I open my NOS and take a sip. "I'll get you some beef jerky too kay?" I direct towards him he yelps excitedly. I nod and stop at the gas station. I carry him to the grass where he shyly looks at me I turn around and wait.

He yelps and I turn back around to see he is done. I sigh and put him back in the truck he tilts his head to the side I smirk "I didn't forget its just there isn't any dogs allowed." he rolls his eyes huffing I giggle and shut the door.

Walking into the gas station I get four packs of beef jerky and a NOS and two bottles of water. I get a baby bottle to let him drink from sense there aren't any bowls.

I put the stuff at the counter and the cute guy rings it up. "Gotta kid?" he asks in pure curiosity I smile and say in the most serious voices I could muster "Yep." he looks shocked I start giggling "No I'm kidding I got a little puppy." He breathes out a breath of relief and I smile while paying him.

"So umm can I get your number?" he asks nervously I tap my chin and fake think "hmmmm I guess." I finally say while whipping out my phone we switch phones and put eachothers numbers in.

"Thanks I'll call you sometime soon." he says grinning I smile wide and take my stuff while leaving. When I open my door Nicolo is growling his eyes a different color.

"Hey!" I say sternly he whimpers his eyes changing back to their beautiful green. I open the beef jerky and put all the pieces on the top of the package he quickly scarfs it down and I giggle pouring the water into the baby bottle.

I go to put it near his mouth but his face scrunches up trying to hide from me. I roll my eyes and pick him up while holding him like a baby before putting the bottle in his mouth. "Yeah yeah I know your mot a baby but if you aren't gonna comply I have to do this." I say he quickly drinks up then I put him back

"Okay lets hit the road." I say while turning the truck on

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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