Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Last Dance

I smile down at the beautiful dress and Jack sighs, "Can I at least do eyeliner and mascara."

I look at her unsure but agree "Please not alot." she smiles and nods then starts to do my face (or should I say my eyes)

Soon she is done and I look in the mirror at my face and nod, I slip the heels I wore the first night on and go wait in my truck for Jack to finish getting her dress on.

I smile in awe at her beautiful dress it is basically like mine just seagreen, my favorite color. "Awe you wore my favorite color." I gush and she giggles "So when did you get a new truck." I shrug "No idea it was fixed when I came home."

The rest of the ride was filled with upbeat music. I park close to the building and we get out. I stand by her and we walk in together, everyone goes quiet to stare at us.

"Hello." I say softly, I wave slightly while smiling a wide smile.

People glare and I just look down sad at how people act you see lots of people glare and I don't know why, its not like I'm gonna kill them. I sigh and continue on headed towards Jack's, boyfriend?

You see I don't know what they are considered anymore. So yeah.

I frown slightly at him, "Why were you letting that girl kiss you, you said you wouldn't hurt my friend." I say quietly while standing in front of him.

He sighs "I don't know I just... I'm just a mess up I didn't even try to get away from her I don't know why though because I'm not like that." he pauses and turns to Jack "I understand if you want to reject me and my mark." he says looking into her eyes with saddness.

She glares "oh no no no no mister you aren't getting out of this easily I'm gonna make sure you suffer so I am not rejecting you yet... Or never." she sighs and the music starts up they start to dance and I just stand awkwardly alone.

The doors open and people stop, bowing instantly. I look at the door and smile softly at the person there. No need to be rude right? I always ask myself. People get back to dancing and I go to sit at a table by my lonesome.

I sit down and watch the people dance gracefully. I stare in awe at the perfectness, the movements they look so elegant.

I smile remembering how my parents used to be. They used to dance and laugh and sometimes they would let me join.

Someone taps on my shoulder snapping me out of my trance. I look up at them and they smile, "May I have the pleasure to dance with a beauty like you?" they ask in a posh tone. I smile widely and nod "Yes you may kind sir." I say in an elegantly practiced posh tone he looks at me shocked and then we start to dance.

"So whats your name?" he asks close to my ear I smile "Lilly, and you?" he smirks "Damien." We dance for a few more songs then people start to break apart.

"Let's give them a show." he whispers in my ear. So we keep dancing and people start to whisper and watch with a spark in their eyes I blush and look at Damien he smiles as the song nears an ending and dips me lowly to the ground.

Then he brings me back up and our breaths clash together harshly. We start to lean in but everyone starts to clap I blush and quickly courtesy and walk away.

"And now we present the king!" someone announces and people start clapping I join and the doors open to reveal a god.

Thats the first word to explain him as a flipin god. I look at his features and see his ice blue eyes with his light brown hair, and oh goddess them cheekbones.

I quickly look down as everyone now bows my eyes widen and I quickly bow. "Up!" he says in a strong voice and everyone stands back up.

The king starts walking around "All the mateless or single ladies line up!" I frown and slowly walk forward to line up with the others.

He walks by and says "No." to each of them while smelling the air as if it's to calm himself. He starts to get near me and he doesn't say no quickly this time he reaches me I keep my face down like the others "No." he states and I back up pain shooting through my chest

He stops walking "Wait." I stop he nears me and lifts my head up I meet his gaze and gasp when a fire roars through me my eyes feel weird then they go back to normal and the fire turns to tingles.

He breaths in deeply and he frowns while grimacing. I look at him strangely "Do I know you?" I ask refereeing to the close approximate that we were at.

He frowns "Yeah you ran into me the other night."

Dario's P.O.V

Her forest green eyes flashed purple for a few seconds then back to their original color. "Do I know you?" she asks and I laugh on the inside "Yeah you ran into me the other night." I state and she blushes.

"Look I'm sorry for that and if you want some money or something to pay for ruining your clothes or for running into you I'll pay you." she says getting into her purse

"No, no need." I say not sure what to do god I think I have to kidnap her I think to myself then I pause "Actually I need you to work here as a maid for a few month's or so." I say

She looks up at me horrified "I'm- I didn't know that running into you made me a slave." she says softly "Just let me pay you or something." she says frustrated.

I chuckle "No, you can cook right?" she nods her head. "Well then you'll be the chef." I state she huffs and then her shoulders sag in and she softly says "Fine I guess."

I smirk and then my face turns emotionless "I have found her." I say loudly for everyone to hear and people start glaring and cheering.

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