Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The King Visits.

I pull up to my house and see yet again that my mother is not home. Getting to the front door I unlock it quickly, my hands shaking and my head spinning.

"You need to take a deep breath." I whisper to myself

I breath in slowly, while closing my eyes. I walk into the house feeling disgusted with myself.

"Church, church will help." I tell myself closing the door.

"You need some Jesus, Lilly Vauhn Blaxton." I scold myself climbing up the stairs to my room.

I head to my closet and grab some comfy clothes. After getting them I head to my bathroom to take a quick shower.


I am sitting on my couch being lazy at 6o'clock in the evening, when my doorbell rings.

It worried me because no one and I mean no one visits me. Whenever my best friend Jack does she doesn't knock, or ring the freaking bell. My mom has a key so she wouldn't need to knock or ring the bell.

So I am creeped out as I get off the couch and go to look through the peephole.

I look down and my eye travels up slowly checking the person over, or out because they look nice.

When I see his face I gasp, "Go away!" I yell running to the couch for cover. "No one is home!" I shout

Upon saying that I get a chuckle in return, "If no one is home then who is yelling?" he questions in his deep voice.

I think for a second before replying "This is their house keeper, I will leave a message if you like!" I hear a growl rumble through the house making me squeak in surprise.

"Uhh it looks like there might be a dog nearby, you should probably leave!" I inform him

I hear him sigh "Just tell the head chef she is needed at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow." I hum in response and go to the door to see him at his car I open the door and smile "Thanks I'll let her know!" I shout.

He turns around and shakes his head "Don't forget to tell her." he pauses waiting for a name I smirk and let him know who the head chef really is,"Lilly, Lilly Vauhn Blaxton!"

He smiles "Nice to meet you Lilly Blaxton, or should I say House Keeper." he lets out a booming laugh, making me laugh along.

I close the door with a small smile on my face, "I can't believe he played along." I whisper into the empty house.

<><><><><><><><>< 4:00 ><><><><><><><

I am dressed and out of the door by 4o'clock in the freaking morning!

I am tired and I want sleep more than I want to cook a feast. I feel as if I'll sleep while driving, but that just scares me awake.

At around 4:25 I am at the mansion with five minutes to get into my apron and hat. I rush around and start cooking whats written on a list.


Hash browns/Brown obviously

Bacon/Left a little soft not crunchy

Scrambled eggs/With cheese and veggies

Fruit and cinnamon/Not to warm

Toast/Not burnt

Ham/Not DRY

Fresh fruit/No added sugar just fruit in a bowl

Vegetables/Fresh but cut into shapes like animals and princesses

Oatmeal/Not soupy

Yogurt/With oats and granola

Muffins/Perfectly cooked throughout with chunks of fruit, remember perfectly cooked!

At 6:00 sharp I ring the bell, the table set with food and plates and silverware.

I hear footsteps rumble throughout the mansion and the doors swing open, people shuffle around to sit down.

They wait patiently for the king while I pour grape juice, orange juice, lemonade, milk, and water.

The King enters and they bow their heads down. I nod at him finishing up with the drinks, he nods back and sits down.

"Begin." he says firmly

The people dig in quickly while I wait nervously. I hear hums of satisfaction all over the room but then a high pitched "Ewwwww!" flows within the room.

I look at the long haired brunette in shock and fear. "My yogurt has oats and granola in it and I only wanted granola, my bacon is to crunchy, and my eggs have veggies!" she sneers

I grab the list and look it over, it says nothing about no oats in one yogurt or no veggies in the eggs.

I look at her confused as she walks over to me. She stops and looks me over, then a loud SMACK echos throughout the room. I look up at her from the floor in shock.

"I'm so terribly sorry that you felt so repulsed by my food that you smacked me, but it doesn't say to not put oats in one bowl or not to add veggies. In fact I have a list of food that I followed." I tell her while getting up and showing her the list.

She lets out a weird shriek and punches my cheek. My head snaps to the side and I breath in deeply "Touch me one more time I dare you." I say menacingly

She eyes me and then slaps my other cheek. I growl and punch her fake nose, breaking it. I then punch her cheek, then her stomach. I start to hit her wherever I can reach while she pulls my hair screaming.

She scratches my face leaving four bleeding scratches from the top o left side of my face to the bottom right. I hiss in pain while blood flows inside of my left eye.

I start punching faster, she groans when I hit her stomach in the same spot over and over again. So while she is hunched over I grab the back of her head by her hair and slam her face into my knee three times before I know she is knocked out.

I start seeing spots and I fall to the ground my head hitting the counter on the way down. Before I welcome the darkness I notice a shot like tube in my thigh.

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