“Don’t scare him.” He hisses.

“I won’t scare him! He’s a mini Sasuke!” I squeal, flailing in his arms. Inari glares at us, hands clenched into tight fists. “He’s so kawaii!” Kakashi rolls his eyes, still watching Inari, and pulls me into his lap-boa constrictor arms winding around my torso.

“Inari!” Tazuna shouts happily, holding his arms out for the small child.

“Welcome back, Granddad!” Inari breaks into a run, throwing his arms around Tazuna.

“Why am I in your lap again?” I scowl, squirming in Kakashi’s grasp.

“So I can hold you better.” He growls at me, eyes narrowing.

“You must like holding me, huh.” I smirk, hoping he’ll let me go.

“Inari!” Tsunami strides over to the two, hands on her hips. “That was very rude! These ninja helped your grandpa and brought him here safely.”

“It’s okay.” Tazuna chuckles, ruffling Inari’s little hat. “I’m rude to them too.”

“Got that straight.” I grumble-finally giving in to Kakashi’s muscles and leaning against him warily. Kakashi flicks my ear and I yelp, turning around to punch him-ignoring the blistering pain in my hands. He catches my fist and turns it over, forcing the fingers apart.

“Stop hurting yourself.” He growls.

“It doesn’t hurt!” I glare at him, ripping my hand from his and turning around with a small huff.

“Mom, don’t you see these people are going to die?” Inari tears away from his grandpa to face his mother full on. “Gato and his men will come back and find them and wipe them out!”

“What did you say, brat?!” Naruto jumps to his feet, hands curled into fists.

I reach out to him hesitantly. “Naruto…”

“Listen up, you know what a super ninja is? Well that’s me only a lot better. I’m going to be Hokage. This Gato or Blato or whatever he is called is no match for a real hero like me!”

“Oh.” I sag against Kakashi. “He had to say the H-word.”

Kakashi sends me a questioning look-one which I pointedly ignore because I’m still being held captive in his lap- and Inari ducks his head to hide his eyes. “There’s no such thing as a hero.” He scoffs lowly. “You’re just full of stupid ideas!”

“What’d you say?!” Naruto screams, charging forward.

I go to jump from Kakashi’s lap but he holds me tighter. Sakura grabs Naruto’s shoulders and yanks him back. “Naruto! Calm down!”

“If you want to stay alive you should go back to where you came from.” Inari remarks coldly, looking back at us from over his shoulder. I frown slightly and he looks to me, glaring, before moving for the door.

“Just like Sasuke!” I poke Kakashi in the chin. He swats me away.

“Inari, wait! Where are you going?” Tazuna frowns as the small boy opens the door.

“I’m going to stare at the ocean. I want to be left alone.” He says coldly and leaves.

“Poor kid.” I say softly.

Tazuna turns to Naruto. “Sorry about that.”

“Can I get up now?” I whine loudly, squirming in Kakashi’s grasp. “I promise not to glomp the kid!”

Kakashi looks down, an eyebrow quirked. “You need to grow up, first.” He says coldly before looking back to Naruto.

Someone’s on his man period. My blood runs cold, anger rushing through my veins like roaring water. I elbow him sharply in the gut. Grunting, his grip loosens and I punch up hard, catching his chin. Now he lets me go completely, eye wide as pain vibrates through his jaw.

Desire (Kakashi) - Indefinite HiatusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora