Scar cleared his throat which seemed to catch everyone's attention. Two of the four police officers made their way over to us, they gave Scar a fleeting look before focusing on me.

"Are you Miss Evangeline Carmichael?" The taller brunette one asked.

"I am." I responded, subconsciously seeking comfort from Scar's body as I curled myself in towards his embrace, wishing I could just run and hide from all of this insanity.

"Right, we've just got a few questions we need to ask you, Ma'am." He replied respectfully. I nodded before silently leading them away from the living room and to our dinner table. Scar sat next to me, holding my hand for moral support as the two sat across from us. The other officer pulled out a notebook and pen before nodding to his partner.

"Miss Carmichael, can I ask you to relay your story of what happened tonight?" He asked. I felt my throat close up at the idea of reliving that moment all over again.

"Sebastian had only been gone for about half an hour when it all happened. I had ordered a pizza and was about to get into the bath. When the door rang, I checked the peephole and saw..." I trailed off, realizing I didn't know Scar's father's name.

"Finnley McGuinness." Scar supplied as I looked at him apologetically. No doubt they were going to question how he knew him. God, this is such a mess.

"I saw Finnley standing there. I didn't know who he was at the time and was obviously here alone so I didn't answer the door. It rang again about ten minutes later and this time it was the pizza boy. When I opened the door, Finnley shoved his way in. We got into a spat when I realized who he was and that's when he struck me on the forehead with the butt of his gun. After that, he tied me up and gagged me. I wasn't sure what his plan was for me and I never got to find out because a few minutes later is when Tanner showed up. Finnley made a comment about...about disposing of me. Then had made a move to shoot me, and that's when Tanner shot him instead. It was out of self defense." I said, finishing off my story.

"I see. Miss Carmichael, you do understand the severity of lying to a police officer, don't you? Because from the angle at which the bullet entered Mr. McGuiness's head indicates he wasn't turned to the side at all, but rather facing your friend head on. And his gun was still in it's holster." The cop spoke slowly, scanning my face intensly. I swallowed deeply as I kept my face hardened. I wasn't about to let them do anything to Tanner after he saved my life.

"I'm no liar." I spat vehemently. "I'm telling you the truth. He had his gun to my head and was about to kill me. Tanner shot him to save my life. That's what happened and I don't have anything further to say." I growled, giving the cop a challenging look. They both glanced at each other before the second cop, the one who hadn't said anything the entire time, focused on Scar.

"And what's your relation to Mr. McGuiness?" He asked.

"He was my father." Scar answered cooley. Both men's eyes widened comically as they took in the weight of Scar's confession.

"You don't look too upset by your father's death." The cop mentioned, stating the obvious.

"You're right. I'm not. He was a horrible man who I never wanted anything to do with. As far as I'm concerned, you should be thanking Tanner for ridding the world of that fucking piece of shit, not cuffing him." Both cops looked at a loss before standing up and walking back over to Tanner. Everyone quieted down as the brunette reached behind his back to grab a set of keys.

"Well, despite all the clear evidence against you, your friend is adamant that you shot this man in self defense, so we have no choice but to let you off." The cop explained before removing the handcuffs and reattaching them to his belt. Everyone's head snapped in my direction as Tanner gawked in confusion. No one said another word until every paramedic and police officer was gone, taking the lifeless body with them. I released a deep sigh, all of my energy going with it as I leaned all of my bodyweight against Scar.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now