Chapter 5

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The door slammed shut moments later. Me and Ted were standing on the other side of it, just having left the room. My little brother had stormed out, me following quickly, but once we had arrived beyond the room, Ted just took a deep sigh out.

Though anger still seemed deeply seated in him.

"So..." I peeped, not knowing exactly what to say. I gulped as I looked down to my tiny brother, and just saw his chest beating up and down in heavy breaths. I looked quickly to the ground, before asking afraid. "So... we're just going to leave?"


Before he could get all his words out, Big Boss Baby could be heard sliding the door opened slightly as she hurried out.

"My goodness! What are we to do! Theodore!" she shouted at my brother, and he seemed to take in a deep breath before he turned around silently to look at her. "You were meant to help solve the problem! Not exasperate it!"

"I will..."

"What are we to do- wait!" Big Boss Baby said instantly, and looked across at him surprised by what he said. "You said... you will...?"

The hallway was silent for a whole thirty seconds after she had spoken her last word. She looked at my brother, as if amazed, and uttered out, lost. "But you just told them that you were going...?"

"Huge Boss Baby just got on my nerves..." Ted said in spite of the red headed baby. He looked at Big Boss Baby and then me, standing nervously straighter before he uttered out in a unsure but determined voice. "But babies are going missing, family babies are being forced to work in business. Huge Boss Baby thinks this is all my fault, and I need to prove that it isn't. There must be something here we're not seeing..."

He placed his small chubby hand to his chin, thinking this over as he walked back and forth in strides. His suitcase had been placed on the ground and Big Boss Baby bit her lip, thinking over all the connecting factors too, in case she had missed an important detail.

Suddenly... the reason behind all of this and the possible culprit dawned on me.

"What if it's..." I began, and the two small babies looked up at me confused. I cleared my throat and stepped in the center of them , continuing nervously.

"What if it's Francis Francis..? Huge Boss Baby said it happened the day you chose family... what if it is him...?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Big Boss Baby just shouted, furious at that thought but Ted just looked at me amazed. Almost proud.

"Of course, Tim! How could I not see that! Francis Francis must be doing this!"

"Theodore, Francis Francis is a weak baby now!" His former boss told him, as if shocked that Ted was even considering this option. "He couldn't co-ordinate all of this while in his infant state."

"I wouldn't doubt that baby in anything!" Ted just said immediately, and I nodded my head in agreement. Ted beamed an eager grin, and waved me over to the exit of the hall. I followed him quickly as we both ran out to the main reception quarters for Babycorp, Ted looking for a departing rocket ship, and I asked him, a bit confused at what we were planning.

"Are we heading home...?" I asked and Ted just turned around to me, shaking his head quickly.

"No... we are going to Francis Francis's farm." Ted seemed very serious when he said the next sentence. So very sincere and true to his word, "We are going to solve this."

I could hear running of little footsteps approaching us from behind while my brother looked for a ship, and finally I saw Big Boss Baby reach us, looking at the two of us as she panted tired breaths.

"Wait, Theodore... Tim T-Templeton."

The two of us turned around to look at her and she straightened up her blouse as she looked at us both. She seemed quite worried.

"You two must be careful... Its dangerous what you are doing... down there... with grown people..."

"Don't worry, Big Boss Baby." Ted said to her with a calm smile, and she breathed a tired breath out a little relieved, but still seeming nervous. "I have to prove to Huge Boss Baby that I can fix this... that... that it wasn't my fault..."

"I know it was not." Big Boss Baby said, giving a sincere nod of her head as her eyes looked into my brothers and he smiled back.

"Thanks Boss..."

She held her two hands together and just nodded her head a little bit again, seeming shy now. I looked at her and Ted, feeling I could sense something more than what was being shown. But my brother quickly snapped me out of this as he looked up at me an instant later and said in a determined voice.

"Okay... let's get going."

"You'll want to take the manual ship." Big Boss Baby told us, and Ted blinked puzzled by this. She waved us over and we walked in quick steps behind her as she took us down the departure hall till we came across a shiny yellow ship.

But this one seemed different to the others... like it was an older model. Something one would see in the industrial age almost.

"I can't drive manual."

"If I know the CEOs," Big Boss Baby told him, but she glanced up at me as well as she spoke. "I know that they would have deactivated any ships that lead to foreign places. The steering in this is very minimal, and once you are in a mile range of the Francis's farm, all you'll have to do is press the eject button. Just remember." She told us sternly, looking at both me and Ted with harsh eyes. "Put on your parachutes."

"Got it..." Ted said to her with a brave smile. She smiled back, and waved her hand to the ship's yellow large door. After pressing a button, it opened up and we both entered into it's interior, nervously.

I could hear the door jamming shut after we had settled in, and through the small window I could see Big Boss Baby looking at us with sharp eyes.

"Remember." She said as the floor below us started to open up. "If you want to come back, keep the red button control pad on you."

"The red what?" I said. I could barely hear her, as the noise of the gusting wind from below us started to tear across the opening of the floor.

"The red control pad!" She shouted again, but before we could respond-

The ship plummeted through the sky.

Baby Be Gone - A Boss Baby FanficWhere stories live. Discover now