Chapter 8

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Elsa's POV


I wake up to my alarm the next morning, and groggily sit up in bed. My first class is before Punzie's, so she is still asleep. I know that she won't be up by when her class starts, which is 11:00AM. I set her alarm for 10:10, extra loud, and start to get ready. My class is at 10:00, only 30 minutes away. As I get dressed, I can't stop thinking about the whole snowball incident. I play what happened through my mind.

"Elsa, what's going on?" Asks Jack. "Are you ok?"

"I-I don't know." I tell him.

"Did, did you make your own snow?" He asks.

"What? That's impossible. I don't think that that is an option." I say.

He looks strange, like he thinks that that is the only option. "It seems like you think that is the only option." I say, crossing my arms."Spill."

He shakes his head,"Not now. Not so out in the open when a bunch of strange things are going on."

"Wait, what?" I say. "What's happening?"

"Shhh! Don't be so loud. Ok, so you know how Eugine and Kristoff weren't at the snowball fight because Sven had freaked out for some reason?"

I nod,"Well," he continues,"Kristoff, somehow, can talk to Sven, and he said that Sven had said that he had seen something dark, something that provoked fear. And I think I know who it is."

"Who?" I croak.

"I can't say here. He could be here right now. He hides in the shadows. He feeds on people's fear."

I gulp,"How do you know this?"

"I-I saw it in a dream." He says.

"It's getting late. We need to meet tomorrow. Where should we go?" I say.

"It has to be during the day when he is least strong."

I nod,"Good night."

"Good night." He must see my worried face, because he gives me a hug."Don't worry,"he whispers in my ear,"We will figure this out, and I'll keep you safe, I promise."

After that I had gone back to bed, and had fallen to sleep quickly. I'm not sure how Jack had gotten out. I walk out and see that Merida is also going to history today too, at the same time as me."Walk with me?" I ask.

"Sure," she says, and we both walk into the elevator. "So, do you have PE today?"

She nods."Me too." I say.

"Cool! Then we can be on the same team and win!"

I laugh,"Ya!"

She smiles, and we walk out and head to our class.


After history, we walk out to the cafeteria. It's already lunch time. We walk to the same table as last night with the same people. When I see Jack, he gives me a reassuring smile, and I see that he has saved a seat for me next to him. I smile and sit down, and he slips me a note. I look down and see that it says:

Meet me by the river with your skates. I know that happiness will keep him away.

I look up at him and nod slightly so that only he can see me. He smiles, and we continue our lunch happily. When I'm done, I walk over to Anna and ask her how her day is going, and she tells me that it is going great.

Jack, Merida, Punzie, Kristoff, and I walk over to PE together. When we get there, I see the same guys who had been sitting at the Ding Dong table. I nudge Punzie,"Who are they?" I ask.

"Them? They are Hercules and Hans. Both popular, really strong. Jerks."

I nod, and our instructor comes up. "Hello laidies!" He yells, offending the guys. "My name is Shane. I will be your PE instructor. Now, we will start with out first sports unit, soccer. We will be having a tournament, a small one of course, because your teams will only consist of 5. Now, go find your teams!"

I rush off to my friends, and get the team I want. Jack, Merida, Punzie, Kristoff, and I are team #1.

"Now," says Shane,"We will play one practice game today. Team one will be playing team two, and teams 3 and 4 will play each other. Now go get your balls and start playing!"

As we positioned the ball in the center of the field and wait to start, I realize that Hercules and Hans are on the other team. Oh, I really want to beat them."GO!" Yells Shane, and the game is on. Jack turns and gives the ball to me. I then see Merida on a run. I send a long pass to her, and she starts to dribble to the goal. When she gets there, she shoots right past the goalie.

We all cheer, and Hans and Hercules wait for the whistle to sound. When it is blown, Hans sends a diagonal pass to Hercules, who starts heading straight for the goal. He is moving too fast;we won't be able to catch him. It is all up to Punzie, our goalie, now. When Hercules shoots, the ball is hard and straight to the corner. I hold my breath as I watch Punzie. Everything next seems to be in slow motion. The ball, heading for goal. Punzie, diving. And then, Punzie knocking it out of the way. We all cheer and we run up to hug Punzie. She seems very happy and excited to have done that.

Over the course of the game, we end up scoring one more goal, and the score ends up 2-0, Team #1. We all happily get off of the field, and I go into the locker room to change. My skates are in my locker, and when I have my t-shirt and jeans on, I stuff them in my bag and head to the ice river.


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