Chapter 33

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Elsa's POV


The next day, at around 4:30pm, a couple of hours before the first FC, I sit in my dorm, reading a book. Or more like thinking about how to break up with Jack. I mean, it's not that I completely want to, it's just that when I die, I don't want him to be broken. I never want him to be broken, and especially because of me. But when he walks into my room a few moments later, a huge, goofy smile on, I don't know how I can possibly bring myself to do it. At least, not today. But I know that I'll have to.

He takes a seat beside me,"Whatcha reading?"

I close the book, doggy-earring the page as I do so,"Why are you suddenly interested in reading? Or books?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Because," he kisses me on the cheek,"I like to try to be interested in what you do, even if it gets extremely boring sometimes."

I role my eyes, shoving him off the bed. We both laugh, but my smile slowly fades, remembering last night and what I must do soon. I didn't tell Jack what Mr.Beast talked to me about. Luckily, he didn't ask. I had been really tired, so I had just immediately went to sleep. My smile returns when I catch him looking at me. I then realize something,"Where was Astrid all day yesterday? I mean, she wasn't there at all."

Jack rubs the back of his neck again,"Ummmm, well, you know that prank we played on the Ding-Dong Trio and Hans and Hercules? Well, we needed a sort of spy, to make sure they were where they needed to be at the right time. So, Astrid pretended to be their friend for a little bit. She was very happy to help, she hates them as much as we do. Especially after what they did."

I nod, unpleasant memories coming back. I am still shocked by all of our special abilities. Or the places we are supposedly from. Since I know the truth now, I realize that that all makes sense. But knowing that I have to save them all, and hopefully bring Anna back... I really don't know if I'll be able to do it. I don't know how to open the portal, and I've already given myself to Pitch. There's nothing I can do about that.

"Ya," I say,"Frozen Hearts."


"The book I'm reading, it's called Frozen Hearts."

"What's that about?" He asks.

I stand, putting the book back in my drawer so that he can't see the cover and stand. Mr.Beast had given me the book the night before, and I had been extremely shocked to see who it is by and what it is about,"That," I say, picking some dust off of his blue hoodie,"Is classified."

"But I want to know," he whines, bouncing up and down and giving me a pouty face,"Besides, it's just a book."

"Too bad," I say, walking past him and to the door.

He sighs, giving up,"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see the rest of our friends. Where are they?"

"They're in the Meeting room. They are talking about strategies for tonight," he says.

"Is the whole floor there? I mean, the whole floor is the team. Shouldn't we all be there?"

He nods,"Ya. Everyone's there. Including Esmerelda."

I open the door, turning back to look at Jack,"You coming?"

"Ya, I'm coming," he replies, putting his staff over his shoulder and walking past me. I shake my head, smiling as I close the door.

The Meeting room is packed, well, pretty packed, having the small amount of students on our floor here. There are a bunch of voices sounding at once.

"So what are we doing?"

"Floor 3? They're good!"

"Not as good as us!"

"Wait, did you sweep the room for bugs?"


"Not that kind of bug Tooth."

"I'm so excited!"

Then, we here Esmerelda's voice ringing loudly through the room, and everyone is quiet,"Guys!" She yells,"Please, just be quiet. You'll all have a chance to talk. Just be patient, okay? We'll go around the room in a circle," she sees Jack and I standing awkwardly by the door,"Find a place to sit."

We nod, I go to sit on the floor in front of Punzie and Merida and Astrid, while Jack floats slightly to sit on the top of one couch, his feet hitting Hiccup, Toothless, and Kristoff and Eugine in the process.

"Who wants to start?" Asks Esmerelda, looking around the room. Merida raises her hand high,"Okay, you start Merida."

The red-head nods,"So, it's a Nerf war, and we are trying to get the other team's flag, which will be glow in the dark. This is kind of obvious, but we will definitely need a team of defenders and offenders." We nod, listening intently. Merida doesn't continue, so we assume she is finished. Everyone has similar plans, but Jack says,"Let's just have fun!" Everyone agreed to having fun, but still, we want a real plan. I'm the last person to go, and I feel like I have a good plan,"Okay, so we should have some people who's soul purpose in the game is to take out the players on the other team. Also, for the defenders, we'll have some defenders stationed in the stairwell, some people will definitely use that, and the offenders who go down the stairs need some people to cover them. Will the elevator be available?" Esmerelda shakes her head,"Okay, so technically the only way down is with the stairs," I look at Jack, telling him with my eyes that he should try not to jump off of my balcony and fly down there. I can see him lean back and sigh, as I just smile,"Should we have more offenders or defenders?"

"Well, it would be nice to have strength in numbers," says Astrid.

"But," Pocohontas jumps into the conversation,"The less people on offense, the harder they will be to spot. We should have a slightly smaller offense than defense, and the offensive people should split up. The people that act more like snipers are part of the defense, but they will be stationed around the whole dorm. The glowy thing can be on any floor, right? Just not in the dorm rooms of the floors besides 3 and 8. The ground floor doesn't have any rooms, but it has a lot of space. So the snipers will be on every floor. We need as many of the other team gone as possible."

We all nod,"Great plan Pocohontas," says Esmerelda, and the younger girl smiles.

"I think we are missing something big," says Jack, leaning forward,"Where are we going to hide our flag? Or oversized glow stick?"

No one has an answer to this,"Okay," says Esmerelda,"I'm going to split you all into where you are going to be. The defenders who are not snipers will go into Ariel's room and figure out where to hide the flag. The snipers will stay in here and talk: they will have the largest group, also, let the offenders stay in here with you guys. Then, in an hour, which will bring us to about a half-an-hour before the war starts, come in here again. My plan about how to do this might seem far-fetched, but just cooperate. Okay, here are the normal defenders: Ariel, Pocohontas, and Tooth," the three girls exit the room, Ariel holding a sketchpad,"The snipers: Jack, Kristoff, Toothless, Astrid, Merida, Hiccup, and me. Punzie, you and Elsa and Eugine will be the offenders."

Punzie and I and Eugine look at eachother, determination on our faces,"We are so gonna win this," Rapunzel says, and I smirk.

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