Chapter 6

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Elsa's POV


The cafeteria is only a few buildings away from us. Once we arrive, we head inside, and we're greeted by a deafening roar of talking and laughing of the large amounts of students present. When we see the table the guys are sitting at, we notice that they had pulled up another next to it, clearly for us, and we walk over and sit down. "Hey guys!" Says Hiccup. He gets up an gives Astrid a little peck on the cheek, and she smiles hugely.

"Eugine!" Yells Punzie, and she runs over to him and gives him a big hug. He hugs her back, and she starts to talk to him. I can see all of the couples coming together. Ariel goes to join Eric next after the other two couples. Jack walks over to me, and says,"Hey, can I talk to you about tonight?" He says it so quietly that only I can hear it.

"Ok," I say, and he and I head outside. On the way, I see a table with the Ding Dong Trio and two big, muscular guys. One looks familiar, and I have a feeling that I already don't like him, that I already know him. Jack closes the door when we go outside, and I lean against the wall." are we going to meet up?"

"I have that covered." He says. He has his windbreaker on now, but he isn't carrying his staff.

"Are we meeting past 9:00?" I ask.

He nods."How are you going to do that?" I ask. "We aren't allowed to."

"Uh..." He's rubbing the back of his neck again. I blush, noticing how attractive he looks when he does that. But I quickly hide it.

"Whatever." He says,"Just, be waiting on your balcony, and make sure no one is awake in your room."

I nod,"Okay,"I say.

He laughs,"Okay" he replies, and grabs my hand. He then leads me back to my table, and he sits next to me, which I don't mind. North looks at us, raising his eyebrows,"Were you guys, like, making out?"

"What? No!" I say, turning bright red.

"What are you talking about?" Says Jack, eyes wide.

North shrugs, putting his arms up,"Never mind."

We all eat our fried chicken, which is surprisingly good for cafeteria food. Throughout the meal, everyone talks and laughs, recounting fun memories here and there. When I'm prompted, I'll add things to the conversation, but for the most part, I just sit and listen, enjoying listening to everyone else speak.

Suddenly, we hear a loud voice clear their throat through a microphone, and we turn to see a man standing on a stage at the back of the cafeteria. I hadn't noticed it until now. He must be the school headmaster.

"Hello!" He announces,"As many of you know, I am Mr.Beast, and this is my wife, Bell." He gestures to the women beside her,"She is the librarian here, if you didn't know already. I am going to make an announcement. As most of you know, every year we have the annual Winter Formal. And, of course, we will be having it again. We have flyers by the door when you exit, and all over campus. It will have all of this information, but I'll tell you anyway. It is happening this Saturday. We would like you to all come in nice clothing, and bring ice-skates if you would like to skate. It will start at 5:00pm and will end officially at 10:00, but you can go to your dorm any time you'd like. Dinner and snacks will be provided. It is also a men ask girls dance." A lot of people snicker when this is announced. "You don't have to be bring a date though. We will have a DJ there playing music for you guys.

"Here is another announcement. Tomorrow, for many of you, is your first day of college with us! I know you will absolutely love it! Also, your first Floor Competition will be next Monday. Your RA's will give you more info on that at your first meeting, which is tomorrow. Also, I want you to know that you don't always have to eat here, there are lots more around here! All of this info is posted on the billboards around the campus, and there is also one on each floor, which includes the FC's, or Floor Competitions. That is all of the announcements for today!" He says with a smile, and he walks off of the stage, applause echoing throughout the room.

I look to Punzie,"Hey. Are these"

"Yes! They are a blast!" She gasps, moving the conversation on quickly,"We have to go shopping for dresses soon!" She says.

I laugh awkwardly."O-okay," I say.


Later that night, when I'm in my pajamas, I look over to Punzie, who is already buried in her covers."Are you a light sleeper?" I ask.

"No," she says,"Why?"

"It's just, I stay up late reading, and I have a bright reading light."

She laughs,"Don't worry, it's very hard to wake me up."

I nod, relieved,"Good night," I say with a smile.

"Good night," she says, and then she falls asleep almost instantly. I slowly get out of my bed, and walk out to the balcony, and wait for Jack to arrive.


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The Cold Never Bothered Me Anywayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें