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I let you to know what I wrote on my notes

Would you mind reading it without laughing at them?

Well, these are my structured plans

1. McDonald's got Rendang Burger, I must try it.

2. Try Abura Ramen Beef at Gokana Restaurant because it looks like one of the games in my iPad.

3. Those classic books in Depok Mall bookstore keep haunting me, I must have them in my bookshelf or they will haunt me forever.

4. I really want to buy myself a ring and wear it on my finger every time, ugh weird. Maybe later, next year or next two year, or ugh whatever.

5. Do I need new clothes or shoes? No, no, no, that Hot and Cheesy Chicken in KFC always waits me.

6. I think I should dye my hair with grey colour.

7. I want a big Totoro doll to be hugged every night.

8. It doesn't matter having cute pens in my pencil case.

9. It's the ninth plan. I don't know. Tell me yours.

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