"I said no Alessia." Harry said crossing his arms.

"Oh, please! Think about it." Alessia said taking out her own outfit as well. "I'll be dressed like this Mackenzie girl who probably dresses like a princess, which I happen to have the perfect outfit for, and you have to look like a prince you said it yourself you're a pirate, you look like a pirate." Alessia put both outfits down. "Look, we take off the pirate hat, clean off the guyliner, fix your hair some put away the swords and the hook and you'll look just like a prince."

"There is no way I'm giving up this hook, besides don't princes always carry around their swords?" Harry asked making Alessia giggle and shake her head.

"No, they don't." Alessia answered. "Do you ever see King Ben carrying swords around when you see him on television?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Okay, be honest." Harry said licking his lips, the tip of his hook running through Alessia's blonde hair. "You just want the chance to say you've dated a prince before."

Alessia rolled her eyes, "Are you kidding me?" she asked letting out a scoff as she pushed Harry's hook away. "Did you not hear when I said I've dated a prince before?"

"What happened with the prince?" Harry asked, he knew she had said that, but he was curious about the relationship.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if I'm going to do this might as well use your relationship with him as a back story or whatever."

"I'd rather we create our own." Alessia said a frown playing on her lips as she looked down at her feet. Harry raised an eyebrow as he used his hook to bring her face to look at his.

"Why is that?" He asked leaning against a red crate.

Alessia let out a groan shaking her head, "You would think a prince can't be a jerk, especially after being raised by such wonderful people like Prince Charming and Cinderella but their son Chad is the worst." Alessia clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Chad and I met during a math class and he thought he could trick me into doing his homework, but it didn't work in his favor. The first few days he wouldn't turn in his homework because he would give it to me thinking I would do it but after a while he started to fail and realized I wasn't doing his homework like he thought I would. We hated each other right there, I was never the 'date a prince, live in a castle' kind of girl so he had no tricks that could work on me until finally he asked me to help him with his homework for real." Alessia let out a laugh shaking her head.

"He was actually my first boyfriend, he asked me out after he had gotten an A in math. He took me to his parent's castle, the view was gorgeous, he gave me my first kiss on the balcony of his room where I could see so much of Auradon, I'd never seen it so beautiful."

"It sounds like you loved this bloke so much, what happened?" Harry asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, I'd thought things were going great until I decided to try out for cheerleading. Audrey, she's the daughter of Prince Phillip and Aurora, she'd rejected me in front of so many people, actually made me the laughing stock of the school. In front of everyone she told me Chad was using me for his good grades, cheating on me, I think that's the most embarrassed I had ever felt in my entire life. Matty made him pay, shrunk him for an entire week, nobody knew where he was. He dated Audrey for a while until she broke up with him and now he's like her obedient puppy who does whatever she asks. I feel bad for him actually."

Harry let out a laugh, "You feel bad for the guy that broke your heart?" he asked shaking his head. "Once again Alessia, you're too good, if that was me, I would have probably stepped on him while he was shrunk."

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