Chapter 36: Love Is Mystical

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“It’s easy to track down people. And what I want is for you to stop seeing Alex. Pretty simple. You’re not good enough for him. If you follow through, I can give you more than enough money to cover your rent. I’m sure you don’t want to end up homeless. Think of it as a reward.”

He’s such a fucking cliche villain. The classic “I’ll give you money so you’ll do what I want” trick.

“Did you think of this idea after watching a soap opera? If I were you, I wouldn’t use ideas from it. They don’t work in real life.”

“You’re not exactly in the position to joke around right now.” He scoffs.

“Let me save you and your particular ideas some time, the answer is no. I know you don’t know me, but I’m not one to be bought. I love Alex, not his supposed money.” I make sure to pronounce each word clearly so he won’t ask me again.

“You must be stupid. Choosing love over money. Love doesn’t last, it’s a fleeting feeling.”

I really want to be immature and say something like, “Your face is fleeting”, but hold my tongue. It’s not a comeback I would be proud of.

“I think you're mistaken, it’s money that comes and goes. Also, the only stupid thing here is your bribe. Now, if that’s all you came for, bye.” I quickly turn, open my door, and shut it as fast as I can once inside.

I let my head fall back and rest on the door frame to take a breather.

I’m worried that if I would have let him continue, he would have  eventually threatened me or Alex. He can’t if no one is there to listen to him. Ignorance is bliss.

At least that’s my thought for now.

Charles is just an asshole all around. People like him don't deserve to have children.

Speaking of children, I wonder if he knows his ex wife possibly has another child.

Another matter I have to deal with. Telling my boyfriend he might have a stepsister is not easy.

The sound of fast rapid knocking startles me and when I recover, I roll my eyes.

I shouldn’t open the door since it’s probably him again, but I have no intention of talking other than informing him that I’m going to call police if he doesn’t leave me the hell alone.

“What?” I grunt irritated as soon as I swing my door open.

“Nothing, I just came to visit.” My aunt Angela replies caught off guard by my demeanor.

“Sorry, I thought you were someone else. There’s an annoying neighbor who keeps knocking and asking for random things.” I make up sort of on the sly.

“Oh, I hope this person stops bothering you.”

“Yeah, me too. He’s a real nuisance sometimes. Come in.”

I notice she’s carrying a light blue photo album and kind of regret opening the door now. I could have pretended not to be home.

I know that I’m probably going to end up a wreck by the time we are done.

“What do you have there?” It’s more of a rhetorical question since I already know the answer.

“I brought some pictures. I was looking at it and thought you might like to go through it with me.”

“Sure.” I smile.

I’ve already seen these pictures hundreds of times. It’s filled with photos of my mom and dad. They are forever stored in my mind.

We spend the next half hour sitting on my living room couch while she tells me the stories behind the pictures and I listen quietly.

Like always, my favorite part is when she recounts the time my mom surprised my dad with the news she was pregnant. Apparently she bought him a shirt that said “Does this shirt make me look like a dad?” for him and then made him put it on to pose for a picture.

In it, she’s wearing a white sundress with her caramel colored hair loose in waves meanwhile he has the shirt on with faded blue jeans.They are both looking into each others eye’s, with his his hand on her small baby bump in the living room of their first apartment.

It’s like visual representation of love.

“They loved you so much. I know they would be proud of the person you have become.” She sighs and closes the album.

I just nod because I don’t want to talk then start crying.

She places it on my small coffee table and a photograph falls out before falling face down on the floor.

“Here.” I reach for it and before I hand it to her, something catches my attention.

I don’t recognize the picture so I decide to take a closer look.

I see my mom and dad with a group of unknown people surrounding them on a beach, all smiling at the camera.

“What’s this? I’ve never seen it before.” I raise confused.

“Oh, it must have been hidden somewhere between the photos. This is your mother’s side of the family. They didn’t like my brother for some reason. Probably because our side wasn’t as religious as them and she was pregnant with you before they were married. They didn’t like that.” She continues, but I focus on a guy who seems strangely familiar in the picture.

I know I’ve seen him before. The dark brown eyes and features, they are just like my mom’s.

“Who is this?” I point at the figure to the far left of the picture.

“Let me see, oh. That’s Lucas, your mom’s brother.”

He’s the one who showed up at the coffee shop the other day. The mysterious man who knew my name without explanation.

“I saw him at work, he ordered, said my name, then left. Why wouldn’t he tell me who he was?” He’s my uncle for crying out loud.

“Really? I don’t know. Maybe he was surprised to see you or something? I didn’t stay in touch with her family.”

“Maybe.” I wonder if I will ever see him again or if he even cares to get to know me. He left without a word.

I stay lost in thought until Angela clears her throat.

“So, Saturday is the anniversary of your parent’s death. Do you want to come with Ethan and I to the cemetery to bring flowers? I know it’s difficult, I’m not pressuring you or anything. Just wanted to ask one last time.”

I would usually say no. After all, that’s always my answer.

But seeing these pictures again made me nostalgic and sentimental. That must be why I’m even entertaining the idea.

“Yes?” I respond in a weird question form which causes me to wince.

“That’s great!” She smiles and wipes a stray tear from her eyes.

Is it? At this rate, I’ll be a homeless and emotional mess by Sunday.

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