Luke threw a rope up and started climbing. "All right, I'm rappelling in now."

"Same with me," Bryce said.

"Be careful, guys."

Luke chuckled. "Don't worry, Terrorizer. We can handle this shit."

"Yeah, and if they can't, we'll be outside waiting to go in instead."

Luke growled. "Fuck you, Mini!"

"Can I switch with Delirious now?"

"No, Bryce! Not yet. Besides, you'll be better for sniping than Delirious will be with his big ass sledge hammer."

"I was kidding."

"Sure thing, Bryce."

"Screw you, Ohm!"

"Guys! Focus!"

"Sorry, Vanoss."

Luke jumped through the window, glad it was already broken. The smell hit him like a semi. "Holy shit that smells bad." He coughed violently. He swept through the second floor. "Nothing up here."

Bryce chimed in. "I'm not seeing anyone other than Ohm, Moo, and Cartoonz." He coughed. "Man, this place smells like someone died."

Moo's voice came through "Nada down here, guys. And I gotta agree with you. This place stinks!"

"The smell gets worse the farther back you go," Ohm added, his voice strained.

"Watch out for some tarps around there," Brian added. "I got stuck as a drone over there. I imagine there are tools over there, you might trip. Watch your step."

Luke walked down the stairs, trying not to gag. He followed after Moo and Ohm. "You're not kidding, the smell gets so much worse the farther back you go."

Bryce joined, rappelling down so he could get to us faster. He wobbled when he touched down, disoriented. "That's absolutely awful."

"Stop bitching about the smell and look for signs of Michael. Or look for Michael."

"Easy for you to say, Wildcat." Luke retorted. "You're not smelling this stench."

They kept walking, Luke behind Moo and Bryce behind Ohm. They were all breathing through their mouths, trying not to throw up.

Bryce stopped. "What the--?"

Ohm turned around. "What's wrong, Bryce?"

Bryce was kneeling, his sniper rifle on the floor next to him. In his hand was a white shoe. Only it wasn't white anymore, it was filthy with dried blood and dirt from the floor. He looked to the left and saw a couple of tarps covering something. Tentatively, Bryce picked up his gun and moved one of the tarps away. They all gasped, seeing a beaten and bloodied leg and half of a torso. Bryce moved the rest of the tarps out of the way.

"Holy shit. . . ," Luke whispered, staring wide-eyed at Michael's disfigured body and Joshua's shot, dead corpse.

Mini's voice sounded over the Comms. "What? What's going on, guys?"

Ohm spoke first, voice stunned. "We. . . We found Michael. . . And Joshua. . ."

"Wait, what do you mean, you found Michael and Joshua?" Delirious demanded. "What's wrong?"

Luke licked his lips. "We found them both dead."


They all sat around Smiity's basement table, silent. Ohm, Moo, and Tyler's eyes were all glazed over, completely blank. Everyone else was completely shell-shocked.

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