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H a r r y 's  P.O.V.

My phone wouldn't stop ringing with messages from Jane. The night she told me about the baby was a almost a week ago. I hadn't seen her since. She insisted that she didn't care if we didn't get married anymore.

Right. 'Cause now I knew about the tiny human and I also knew that it wasn't mine. Of course she had dropped the subject.

The crazy thing was, if I had obliged to her desperate need of getting married, she would have never told me that the baby wasn't mine. And that shit pissed me off the most.

It would end up paying for its mother's mistake. And that shit pissed me off as well.

However, the baby was hers and so was her body. So when she kept messaging me about aborting the tiny human, I made it very clear that I wanted her to do it for herself and because it was her choice, not because it was yet another attempt to make sure I stayed by her side.

Was she pissed off? Yes.

I didn't want her to do anything irrational that would result in harming herself or the baby- if she wanted to keep it of course. However, it worried me that she would only get rid of it if she thought it meant that I'd stay with her. Which it wouldn't, so I wouldn't.

If that baby had been mine, I would have given anything up for it. I would have worked even longer shifts at the shop and gotten another job to secure that it would never be without anything it needed.

But it wasn't mine and the thought of her screwing up so fucking back just drove me mad. The last year only went down the drain and I honestly don't know why she would go with someone else. I thought I was doing a good job of letting her know that I was there for her and that I really cared for her. However, I couldn't have been more wrong.

Despite the rage that surged through me, I wanted to make sure she wouldn't do anything stupid, so I agreed to meet her in the shop's parking lot during my break. She knew the time because we had previously done some things during my break.

I spotted her red hair, and I tried my hardest not to soften at the sight. She was so just beautiful.

Jane stood in front of me, her arms crossed over her chest like she did when she wasn't sure of something.

"Hey," she smiled. I didn't reciprocate it. Instead, I motioned for her to sit down on one of the benches we had placed for whenever Lance or a customer wanted to smoke. "I know you're still mad- and you have the right to be," her hand reached for mine, slightly touching it before I pulled my hand back.

I couldn't risk giving in, "Of course I am. You cheated on me and got pregnant."

She frowned at the blunt reminder, "I didn't mean to, Harry." Her body leaned it, words becoming soft and sweet. "It was a mistake and I'm terribly sorry-"

"You're not taking this seriously, Jane," I snapped. "You fucked up, and now you're talking as if I could dismiss it and- and, just go back to the way things were. But I can't," I continued. "And I won't. You're going to take full responsibility because this-" I pointed at her stomach. "Is on you."

She stood up, hovering over me as I clenched my fists. "I know," she drawled. "I fucked someone else and now I'm still being screwed, except this time it's because I have a baby inside of me. But don't you see?" There was something pleasant about watching her feel bad about it, "I still love you. This baby doesn't change my feelings for you."

I stood up so that I was the one hovering, "But it changes my feelings for you. Not the baby itself, but the fact that you went behind my back like that."

There were tears beginning to pool in her eyes and a big part of me waited to wipe them away, but the small part of me succeeded. "I'll have an abortion, I told you," she whispered out.

Her hands were on my chest, clinging tightly onto my shirt and making me wince. Selene's marks were still healing.

"Listen to me," I took her cold hands. "Whether you have an abortion or not, it's not going to change anything between us. You'd only be getting rid of the reminder, but you wouldn't be getting rid of the consequences of your mistakes because I'm still not going to stay at your side and you're still going to remember that you really did it this time."

Her head was shaking at me, mouth agape as she silently pleaded for me to stay.

"Who was it?" The question blurted out without any warning.

She stopped, eyes frantically darting as she stepped back.

"Well? Will you at least have the audacity to tell me who it was?"

Her tongue swiped her lips, "I don't- I don't know."

I frowned, scoffing at her answer, "What do you mean you don't know?"

Her head hung low in shame, seriously struggling to answer, "It was a threesome."

My eyes widened at her answer. "What the fuck, Jane?!"

"I'm sorry! I- I was drunk and I-" I walked away from her, my hands were pulling hard at my own hair. "Harry!" She cried, but I had already shut the door behind me.

Lance walked over to me, looking over my shoulder and grimacing at the sight behind me, "Trouble in paradise?"

My head shook, "Wasn't a fucking paradise."

Black Ink || Harlena  a.u.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz