Nicos Room mate

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As I sat brooding over being here with a stranger, the door opened. I knew he wouldn't be able to see me, one of the perks of the school was my whole blending into shadows thing.

"Hey" I nearly fell out of my chair. He acted like I had been plainly visible the whole time, thought it seems he knew I was hiding in the shadows, he chose not to mention it.

In retrospect that was probably a good thing, how creepy would it be if he just stayed her and I had to sit like this all night or something? Talk about a crick in the neck!

He started unpacking, "My names Nico," I could tell he was like me, the type of person who rarely made conversation with anyone and I appreciated that he was trying. "Fang, Fang Ride" What?

Did you expect me to grab his hand and go skipping of into the sunset as best friends forever just because he tried to make small talk?

It seemed he'd finally realized he was getting no where, so he started unpacking, black, black, black, oh look, gray!

And then he took the posters out.

hours later I still thought that the fae and comedy was better then weird witched and tragedy. I don't know why Nico liked things no ordinary fifteen year old should like, but to be honest I didn't really care at this point. 

Iggy and Gazzy were always busy blowing stuff up, Angel was horrible to debate with because she'd read your mind and give a counter before you even started, Nudge and Max couldn't care less about the subject.

However when we were using the internet to learn and 'get an education' I was always fascinated my Elizabethan England. From its theatre to its serial killers, Jack the Ripper really was quite interesting.

So Nico was kind of like a gift in a way, it was nice to have someone to talk to. Even if he was wrong about everything. I mean come one! "Foul is Fair, and Fair is Foul!" Has got to be the most- My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on the door.

"You expecting someone?" I asked in a hushed tone, praying the answer was yes. Unfortunately he shook his head no. "You" we stared at the door "Nope" Iggy hadn't learnt the way to my dorm and Gazzy was still helping set up.

Then there was a shout from the other side"You know death breath I'm really not supposed to be in the guys dorm. Can you open your door already!" Nico sighed and I have to admit I was relieved.

If he knew the person I highly doubt its an eraser, "Friend of yours?"  I asked, seeing as that was kind of insulting. He laughed lightly "Cousin".

The girl at the door almost blinded me, she was coated in metallic silver from head to toe. She had electric blue eyes and spiky hair with s silver circlet resting in it.

"Finally" She also looked like she was about to kill my poor room mate. "Come on we're all going to hang out" So he already had a group of friends, that was good.

It would've been pretty awkward if he had wanted to hang out with me and the flock, "Annabeths grabbing Kelphead out of the pool and I needed to get you. Lets go" she yanked him out the door "By!" He shouted before she slammed the door shut.

Thalias P.O.V

Uhg! I can't believe they're making me go into the guys dorms! I'm sure that theres something in my Hunter contract against that!

As I approached Nicos door I heard two voices arguing, no it actually sounded more like a debate. Oh well, I'm sure Nico could handle himself. 

When I knocked they went silent, I heard them whispering behind the door and rolled my eyes, "You know death breath," That was my name for him, Percys was corpse head.

I don't even know.

"I'm really not supposed to be in the guys dorms. Can you open your door already!" I was starting to get seriously disgusted by all these guy germs floating around.

I swear I could hear a sigh of relief.  


As the door swung open I saw a guy who greatly resembled Nico sitting on the bed opposite of his "Finally!" I turned my attention back on Nico, "Come on we're all going to hang out. Annabeths grabbing Kelphead out of the pool and I needed to get you. Lets go" I started dragging him.

"By!" He yelled and I slammed the door shut.

"Honestly" I glared at him, "They made the eternal maiden go into the BUILDING, not just a ROOM but a BUILDING full of guys. You owe me short stuff" he glared at me.

"I have more then enough confidence that you can take care of yourself." Ok so that was true, anyone who had tried something would have a zero percent chance of having children.

"And I'm taller then you!" He said, as though he'd just realized this. 

Unfortunately he was right, while I had stayed forever fifteen before a growth spurt Nico was now the age I had been frozen at. He was at least three inches taller then me and he wasn't even close to being done growing. 

"Whatever. Now hurry up we're going to be late!

And with that I shoved him out the door and down the stairs.


Weeeeeeellll HI! Another update for my Anniversary finished at 11:43 am on TUESDAY! Which is today. If you liked this chapter, this story, or plan on reading more of my Anniversary updates then...





Stay on beat my litttle dancing ninjas!



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