Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey Marianna, just wanted to check in on you sweetheart. Still don't feel like waking up today? I know Dylan is dying without you. He's so depressed. The poor guy doesn't get out of bed unless he comes here or has to go to work. Jeff is trying the best he can to work with him, but Dylan won't budge. I just wanted to visit you on my way to the airport. Have to promote Teen Wolf in New York. I'll be sending my love." Melissa has been here everyday for the past month and a half visiting me. She's the only one that keeps me updated on the latest trends. I feel like she's my fill in mom, always giving me advise or caring for me. I have to wake up or somehow get back into my body. It's just like that movie If I Stay except I already know I want to stay. I've tried everything in my power to wake up. Most days I just sit on this stupid hospital chair watching these stupid machines breathing and eating for me. I'm helpless. "I'm gonna go before I miss my flight. Dylan will be here any minute. I love you Marianna," she kisses my forehead before weeping out the door.

"Marianna Estella Ramirez you wake up right now! You're killing everyone with ever second you stay asleep. You're killing me! I want to get back to my life! I was starting fresh with a new state, new guy, just a brand new me! Every moment you don't wake up you're taking that from me! Wake up! Wake up right now!" I fall next to the wall and slide myself down. I've been trying to be strong and hopeful for a month and a half. I can't do it anymore. I can't watch the people I love suffer because I can't wake up. I'd rather be dead!

"Doctor she's coding!" Someone yells from outside my door. Before I can see what's happening to me, people are running all around me with big machines.
"Alright charge to 200!" One doctor yells.
"Clear!" Hollars another. "Dammit! Okay charge to 300!"
"Clear!" For the first time since I've been admitted, I feel something. I'm cold and tired. My eyelids are heavier then the day I was stabbed. I can feel myself slipping away. I'm ready to let go.

"Marianna! What's happening?" A familiar voice yells. I Try to move around and see him with the little energy I have remaining.
"Someone get him out of here!" No please don't kick him out. I need him right now!
"Sir please come with me to the waiting room."
"No I have to see her! Marianna! Baby come on please stay with me!" I love you Dylan...

~beep beep beep~

"We have a heartbeat!"
"Sir please let us fix her up!"
"Marianna," Dylan pushes through doctors to stand over me. "Baby please wake up."
"Hi, my name's Dylan O'Brien." Him and one doctor shake hands.
"Marianna suffered an extreme amount of stress which caused the heart to over work itself and shut down. We're very lucky that we were able to save it, but as time goes on I'm afraid we'll either have to completely put her on life support or turn off the machines."
"Well keep her on life support as long as she needs to wake up."
"Sir... Dylan, when she goes completely on life support there is a very small percentage that she'll wake up again."
"No she's going to wake up!"
"I'm sorry Dylan, we have to inform you of all your options with Marianna's best interest at heart."
"I'm not unplugging her!"
"It's not your choice Dylan."
"Gabe? You want to unplug your own sister?" Dylan yells.
"Of course not I love Marianna, but think of all the pain she must be in. We have to think about what's best for her. I think we're signing a DNR."
"That's your sister!"
"I know that! It kills me inside thinking I'm the one who has to sign away her life, god forbid her heart stops again. I love Marianna more then anything! I'm the one who protected and raised her! She's my little sister! The hard headed, pain in the ass, that could always make me smile and love her despite that! You've known my sister a short time, but I've known her all her life. Believe me I don't want to sign the damn papers but I don't want her to suffer. She's suffered enough in her lifetime."
"Which is about to be up isn't it?"
"I'm sorry Dylan, I really did like you." Gabe walks out with the doctor, leaving me alone with Dylan.

Adulation: Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now