Caitlin had been too thrilled about the question to even give an answer. She had only just began to contemplate the implications of Frederick's proposal when Elizabeth showed up. Elizabeth's presence hadn't just interrupted the moment Caitlin had been having with Frederick, it had ruined it. What was worse was the fact that Elizabeth had somehow managed to steal Frederick's full attention. Having to stand there like a complete idiot, Caitlin had furiously walked away.

Elizabeth had everything already! She had the fortune, the family and the entire England wrapped around her little finger. Couldn't she just leave Frederick for Caitlin?! For the first time in Caitlin's life, she felt like she finally had something that truly belonged to her, something that wasn't borrowed from Elizabeth, like the stupid ball gown!

Hopefully, like the ball gown, Elizabeth would decide she doesn't need Frederick, giving Caitlin the chance to step in.

Caitlin stood in the corner of the room, watching Elizabeth have a conversation with Frederick. The longer Caitlin stood watching, the more convinced she was that Elizabeth might actually have an interest in Frederick! He was the first man Elizabeth seemed to be able to carry a conversation with! And to Caitlin's horror, Elizabeth stood smiling.

Rage washed over Caitlin. Why did Elizabeth choose this man, of all people, of an entire ball room of men, of the entire London, to actually like?!

No, she shook her head. She couldn't let this happen! She couldn't let her only chance of climbing the social ladder fall into the hands of her friend.

She watched as Elizabeth turned from Frederick and walked away. Frederick who was left standing alone, simply began to exit the building.

Gathering her skirt in her hands, Caitlin followed him.

She reached the door of the Williams' castle just in time to see Frederick climbing into the carriage.

Practically racing after him, “Lord Wellington!” She yelled.

Frederick was settled in the carriage but it wasn't moving. Deciding he heard her, she hastened her pace until she was standing before his carriage.

“Lord Frederick,” She breathed.

“Yes, My Lady?” Frederick watched her from inside the carriage.

“I...” Caitlin all of a sudden felt speechless. What exactly did she want? Why did she run after him, nearly disgracing herself? Why was she standing before a man who didn't even know that she had lied about her identity? Would he be furious if he finds out? Would he choose Elizabeth over Caitlin?

Surely Frederick would be furious! What sane man would marry a woman without a title? A woman with no class?

Tears filled her eyes as she stood before the carriage, helpless. She was such a fool for even lying to Frederick! And to think she had allowed herself to entertain for a second that he'd court her.

“My Lady?” Frederick said, climbing down his carriage. He inched closer and touched her chin. “What has brought sadness to the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen?” He whispered.

Caitlin felt the heat of his fingers as his hand traveled slowly down her face to her neck. He leaned further in, bending her head so that his lips were only inches away from hers.

Caitlin could feel her heart beat double in speed at his closeness. Was he about to kiss her? Was a real life Lord about to kiss her?!

“My Lady,” She felt the warmth of his breath, tickle her lips as his eyes beheld her in adoration. “Come home with me, My Lady.” He whispered.

Caitlin didn't have to think about it, not even for a second. All she saw and all she felt in that second as she stood before Frederick, was him.

Allowing Frederick to help her into the carriage, he climbed in behind her. Once settled beside her, he pulled her close, his arms wrapping around her waist.

“Forgive my forwardness, My Lady.” He said, planting a kiss on her neck.

A soft moan escaped her lip and her eyelids immediately snapped shut as Fredericks lips traveled slowly up her neck. He kissed every inch of her face, leaving trails of burning sensations on her skin that left her weakened. Yet, he avoided kissing her full on the lips, until they had reached his estate and he led her into his bed chamber.

She watched as he locked the doors behind him and for a brief second, she remembered her mother's words to her; society would frown at what was about to happen. Surely, she'd be scorned if Frederick takes her body but turns away from her in the end. 

Yet, in that second, as Frederick expertly loosened the lace of her corset, she didn't care about society.

He ran his hands down her shoulders, pushing the sleeves of her dress down her arms. His lips traced the outline of her collar bone as his hands continued to push her dress off of her body until she felt it fall to a heap at her feet leaving her standing bare before him. And to her surprise, she wasn't the least bit embarrassed.

Once her dress landed on the floor, Frederick pulled her against himself and captured her lips, igniting her body until every part of her body was on fire.

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.



Sigh! *tsk, tsk, tsk. Caitlin, Oh, Caitlin.

Hey guys! We're entering the weekend again and boy, do I look forward to getting to actually SLEEP! I hardly have time to indulge in anything rest worthy with school. I wake up really early everyday (special dislike for Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, especially Thursdays!). Even though it's nearly midnight right now and instead of sleeping, I'm here updating😀. Oh, on the plus side, I'm home for the weekend!🎆🎆🎆

What do you look forward to the most about the weekends?

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